Tourisn is down to the USA Even though with the slide of the dollar against almost every other currency, so that a European can stay at a top American hotel for the Euro equivalent of chump change, they're staying away.
The reason: The Department of Homeland Security. As the Times of London put it:
"“Travelling to the US offers experiences like nowhere else on earth.” That’s what it says at, the official travel and tourism website of the United States, and it’s absolutely right. Nowhere else can a visitor expect such a spirit-crushingly frosty reception.
"A preflight e-interrogation, epic queues at immigration, thin-lipped questioning from aggressive border guards, and an outside chance of a rubber-gloved rectal rummage are all part of the fun. So, if Chertoff and co want to tighten Fortress America further, it’s time we considered other more welcoming holiday options. Such as Iran or North Korea."
Nice to see that is now what we are being compared to, with Customs and Immigration officers who have all of the warmth and friendliness of East German border guards. We are being closed off to foreigners. At this rate, it won't be long until foreigners have to be shepherded around by guides from InTourist and there will be vast swathes of the USA closed to foreigners. Just like the USSR.
At this rate, the day will come to pass that we will have very few friends in the world. And the fault will be ours.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
29 minutes ago
If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. Except the rectal exam, but some people actually pay for that kinda action, y'know? (I think they call it "fisting", but I ain't goin' ta Google it). Those Euro-weenies should just shut up and grin and enjoy it with that diabololically smilin' customs agent snaps on that rubber glove and tells'em to drop trow there in the terminal...
- Badtux the Sarcastically Snarky Penguin
And the sad thing is that we are not the least bit safer for all of the TSA bullshit.
I consider the TSA to be an employment program for S&M queens. I mean, look, there's people who pay to be fisted and have their sexual organs groped, why the fuss about it? Hey, S&M queens need jobs too! I mean, c'mon. You want them to get straight jobs? Why do you hate S&M queens? Next thing you'll be tellin' me is that you don't like the smell of black leather or being whipped in the morning!
Besides, they're doing such a *fine* job of protecting us poor delicate flower Americans from those most evil of people, those... those... YURPEEN TOORISTS. Who might, like, LOOK DOWN THEIR NOSE AT US, as if we were some kinda quaint savages in a National Geographic photo shoot, and HURT OUR FEEWINGS. Oh the horror! Why do you hate America?!
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
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