Twitter suspended the accounts of several journalists who cover the social media platform, the latest battle over what can and cannot be said on the site since billionaire Elon Musk took control of it.
So, it now appears that megalomaniac's dedication for free speech applies so long as he approves of what is being said. Which distinguishes him from Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and The TOFF in what way?
ETA: Elonjet is on Instagram, if you're signed into that. Also on Mastodon.
The margin is starting to get thin but ... I would not be surprised if it's gone in two weeks ...
Why does he even do this? He could find something better to do. He already has more money than god. He chooses this fukkin E!on Busk superstar life? For what? Who raised him? Because they did a bad job.
I read that he reinstated the journalists' accounts, but also that he blocked links to Mastodon.
I think he may be getting concerned over the money he's losing.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
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