Elon Musk said Tuesday that he plans on remaining as Twitter’s CEO until he can find someone willing to replace him in the job.
Musk’s announcement came after millions of Twitter users asked him to step down in an unscientific poll the billionaire himself created and promised to abide by.
“I will resign as CEO as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take the job!” Musk tweeted. “After that, I will just run the software & servers teams.”
Same shit, different century.
So now he is confronted with the decision of whether to pick someone who will run the company or someone who will own the libs. And yes I believe them to be close to mutually exclusive.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Seems like the usual...
Make us money or get someone that will.
With 44 billion at stake, money talks. Loudly!
I'm still not unconvinced Xi and the Sauds, maybe even Vlad the Imploder or NuttyYahoo, set him up to it. In light of the value it has been to the opposition in those countries as a quick and relatively secure line of communication. In our Amero, our Anglo-Eurocentrisms we tend to lose sight of everything else in the world. He didn't just screw it up for us ...
" Musk tweeted. 'After that, I will just run the software & servers teams.' ”
Those teams are what Musk gutted, and whose undoubtedly newly-created incapacity to keep things running will doom Twitter anyway. A new CEO will just be the unfortunate figurehead who gets to take credit for the crash, allowing Musk to pretend to be totally innocent.
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