I like to think that I'm a pretty fair revolver shooter. But nothing like this.
Of course, I don't know how much he practiced for that shot (probably a lot). But even if he burned through a case of ammo to practice for that video, it's still amazing.
Cats and Water
1 hour ago
Did I hear 2 dings? I did. I heard two dings. Where'd the 2nd ding come from?
The dude is...
I have watched some of his speed shooting videos and they have to use slow motion so you can realize just how fast he is on the trigger.
So... I shouldn't get Jerry mad at me when he is armed with a J Frame and 200 yards away...
Boy, a lot of handicaps in that shot:
short barrel
little finger/upside down
Frankly, I'd put that down as random luck more than shooting skill. But, it's good TV nevertheless.
ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired
He had one camera near him, and the other near the target. Speed of sound is about 600 yards per second, so you should have heard one ding from each camera, about 1/3 of a second apart.
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