Sen. Feinstein's committee of NSA lackeys has voted out a bill that would make it legal for the NSA and other law enforcement agencies to search through your emails without so much as a by-your-leave from any type of judge.
Feinstein calls her bill "The FISA Improvement Act", which might as well be called the "Gutting the Bill of Rights Act".
I'd like to know who were the 10 other senators who voted with DiFi to make legal what the NSA has been doing illegally. But try and find that anywhere. Because compared to a buggy site to sign up for health insurance, further enabling the National Surveillance State is small beer to our vaunted press corps.
See, paying attention to all of this NSA stuff is hard work compared to bleating about the problems using the Obamacare website.
At this point, if you are not using encryption for your emails, then you've probably pretty much consented to DasGov, at all levels, being able to read them.
Cats and Water
1 hour ago
Oh HELL no... And PGP works!!!
Sorry, I posted something that had too many typos to live, so I took it down. Let me try again:
Not only will the NSA read your e-mails, they'll also get the content wrong. A few minutes ago, I posted a piece on how I looked up a new advertising textbook about the misuse of QR codes called, "QR Codes Kill Kittens." Instantly, offered to sell me a flea treatment for my pet.
If even Jeff Bezos can't understand the difference between someone who reads advertising textbooks and a cat fancier, whaddya think is going to happen if you try to order a pressure cooker on line for your old Aunt Chechy?
I'll tell you what's gonna happen. The NSA is going to batter down both of your front doors with sledge hammers and then spray your bedrooms with automatic rifle fire.
Very crankily yours,
The New York Crank
Bruce Schneier thinks that the 1024-bit keys may be vulnerable.
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