A new program in Houston will place undercover TSA agents and police officers on buses whose job it will be to perform bag searches, watch for “suspicious activity” and interrogate passengers in order to ‘curb crime and terrorism’.The Houston badged-up goons claim to be detecting "latent crime". How that differs from "pre-crime" is not clear.
I see no appetite by our lawmakers to do anything to stop or even slow down this tide of creeping fascism.
Also, a new program of active de-involvement in white collar and corporate crime has sprung into action. The new non-division will aggressively ignore the crimes of the 1% and seek to prosecute anyone trying to draw attention to same.
The thing that struck me about this -- yes, over and above "we will randomly not just ask questions of passengers but actually INTERROGATE them -- was that in an age where every municipal body is complaining that they don't have money for things like cops, they plan to pay people to *ride the freaking bus all day!*
And the price for refusal will probably be several "non-lethal" Taser darts.
Like the man said, if you give up liberty in the name of security, you will have neither. I know, we can call it a WAR ON FREEDOM! Maybe then the media will give it 5 seconds of attention.
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