That can be the only explanation for the NYT's advice to Obama to hit hard on gun control. The NYT's editorial board thinks that the 2008 election showed that the National Rifle Association to be toothless.
Either the Times' editorial board is staffed with drooling imbeciles or they want to see Obama fail. I don't see a third choice.
The election hinged on the rampant incompetence of the Bush Administration and the bootlicking toadyism of the Republican Senators and Congressman: Hurricane Katrina. Turning the financial sector over to Blackberry-wielding pirates. Terry Schiavo. Torture. Wiretapping. Trashing the Constitution. The War on Science. Add to that the incompetent and damn-near schizophrenic campaign of John McCain and it is a wonder that there will be more than twelve Republican congressmen. Gun control and most of the other "culture war" issues were buried by the sheer weight of Republican incompetence and ineptitude.
Obama has a lot on his plate and, right now, he has a huge resevoir of good will to draw when he gets to work in 48 days. He has to stabilize our economy, which has been wrecked by that drunken wastrel Bush. He has to come up with a plan to reverse the impending defeat in Afghanistan, a task which is made hard both because of Dorquemada's incompetence and the tide of history. He has to reclaim America's standing in the world by outlawing the use of torture and by bringing back the rule of law.
Obama is not going to get there if he gets diverted by stupid-ass wedge issues such as gun control. Tens of millions of gun owners voted for Obama and other Democrats this time around, many of them doing so for the first time in decades, and they did so not because of the gun control issue, but because George W. Bush has set new lows for incompetence. They were willing to run the risk of voting for Democrats because the alternative was so very bad.
The New York Times' board of drooling mouth-breathing editorial buffoons wants Obama to fail and they want him to fail by doing the exact same dumb-ass move that gave Bill Clinton a solidly Republican congress for six years.
I hope Obama is smart enough to use the New York Times' editorial section for its highest and best use- lining bird cages.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
22 minutes ago
They must be really upset over the horrendous assault on the Giant's receiver corp. . .
I love my guns. I do not love them more than I love my country.
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