He is mad at Wikipedia for not being racist enough to suit him.
I set up a recurring donation, because fuck him.
Let's be clear on this: When people start going on and on about DEI, it's often just another way of them saying that they are racist without having to say they are. Like this example:
The only reason for that was because the crew wasn't white enough for that clown, and if that's not racism, what is.
Meanwhile, if you look around, you can find conservative business interests that basically say "I need my undocumented workers, but deport everyone else's." The tech guys, especially, want foreign workers, but they got called out by, wait for it, Ann Coulter:
She is spot-on. The Apartheid Refugee and the other tech bros want engineers who, if they quit or otherwise displease their bosses, the bosses can call up Felon^34's border czar and have them deported back to Whateverstan.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
If the bosses displease the imperious leader they may be...exported.
Reasons can be found.
I'm sure low level bureaucrats can be misdirected to collect offenders.
Or simply make an error.
Re: Ann Coulter, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. Actually, using the word nut in the same sentence as Ann Coulter is sort of overkill. At one time, I would on occasion read some things she wrote, and found things she said as being, again, on occasion to be spot on. But mostly I found the things that came out of her brain to just cause MY brain to hurt.
As for the person calling out DEI on this flight crew, shame on them. I hate what is commonly called DEI, but I also see value in at least considering giving someone with the exact same qualifications as the other person, but who would typically have a harder time getting hired, a leg up.
A white male, like myself, can always find a job, if they really want to work. An African American, single mother with her college degree from a "lesser" college, not so much. Normally I would not think it fair to give one person help due to their circumstances, but then again, we have to live in the real world and not in the world we wish we had.
I did mention that given the same qualifications to consider what has come to be called DEI. A candidate for a job who is more qualified should be hired no matter their color, race, gender, etc. Because to be fair means that you must be fair to everyone.
I don't have much money, but I give some to Wikipedia every year.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Kinda of sad that in this "Information Age" that so many use acronyms like DEI or the word "woke" far from their original meanings and just use them as a cudgel against all the things they fear. But it's not much different than before when they just cherry picked some passage from the Bible to justify their hate and fear all things out of the comfort zone especially of "others".
Some of the critics of Wikipedia quoted in the article seem to have a bit of bias themselves. Google David Rozado and Alex Günsberg. Very interesting.
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