To all who read this little blog, whether you've just come by or you're a regular.
To those who have crossed over, like Lurch, William the Coroner, Neptunus Lex, Jeff Huber and others, you aren't forgotten.
Happy holidays, in whatever holiday you commemorate, to you, your loved ones, and yes, your cats. Even, albeit reluctantly, to the denizens of the Banhammer List.
If you have family and friends, shut off your computers, put down your phones (except for taking pictures) and enjoy an unplugged day.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
15 minutes ago
And to you, Comrade, Hanukkah sameach this evening!
Happy Holidays to you and yours as well. I am just waiting for wife and 28 year old daughter to get ready for a unique Christmas trip, we are seeing movies today. My lovely wife and myself will see the Bob Dylan biopic and Daughter will see Nosferatu or some such.
Wishing you a prosperous upcoming year, and thanks for putting up with my often rambling comments.
All the best for the holiday season and upcoming new year.
Happy Holiday and may the new year hold some unexpected good news for Democracy and it's supporters.
From the Atlantic and A Christmas Carol with George C. Scott:
Scrooge, however, doesn’t get it. He is confused by Marley’s damnation, because for him, material success is evidence of a virtuous life. (This is hardly a Victorian conceit: Think of how many people believe this right now.) When Scrooge tries to comfort the ghost, Marley will have none of it:
“But you were always a good man of business, Jacob,” faltered Scrooge, who now began to apply this to himself.
“Business!” cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again. “Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!”
"A Christmas Carol" is the story of a rich man who had to be terrorized into becoming a better person.
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