His asshole buddy, Dilbert Stark, is already working on a new design for iron lungs. One that will be leased, so either you pay or you die. And of course, Trump will get a piece of the action.
Charlie Stross has laid out the entire evil plan.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
13 minutes ago
Time to invest in iron lung futures.
Too dark? yes, but surviving is never pretty.
I was a year old ('48) when I got to see my mother in an iron lung. Allofasudden. I can't remember, but I'm sure I was screaming. I got to see her again after time he spent in Warm Springs, GA. Again, I can't remember that homecoming....to a wheelchair and bed. Except that for all I loved her and looked after her until I left home for college, I didn't call her Mother, rather her first name Molly. Called Dad Dad and Daddy.
Damn betcha we got the Salk and then the Sabin vaccines. I see red, get incoherent when I hear antivaxxers spew. They want us all to play their Russian Roulette. I'd be happy to give them a revolver with a full cylinder for them to play their game with themselves.....
See all the smiling happy faces?
My mother once told me that, while the virus was destroying her, it felt like having a tooth pulled all over her body.
How truly wonderful that there are morons that want to inflict this on the innocents.
Well, what will be a horror to watch as without vax for polio the first to
fall will be kids. Why the adults are vaxed, they get to watch the kids
sicken maybe die or end up paralyzed. When the disease peaked in
early 50s it was over 50,000 with the dread disease. After that it will
take another 10 years got the young adult that made it that far and
are still open to that. Add another decade and the herd will be
thinner. Those that survive will be at risk for post polio syndrome
with muscle wasting and other issues.
Salk and Sabin (My parents did both for all of us) are true heroes.
They stopped a dystopian future. Seems brainworm wants to
the thin the herd. Makes for a dark story on that alone but as
the commercial hawkers say...
But there's more.....
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