Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
If you're one of the Covidiots who believe that COVID-19 is "just the flu",
that the 2020 election was stolen, or
especially if you supported the 1/6/21 insurrection,
leave now.
Slava Ukraini!
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Well, that's the floor...and the walls are decorated with ketchup. Luckily, TOFF prolly can't jump high enough to swing from the chandelier, so the ceilings are safe.
Somebody should red flag him, he's unsafe anywhere.
Jabba the Gut spews again!
If he is really clairvoyant, shouldn't he have seen that Covid was coming?
He had me at"Clairvoyant".
If he was clairvoyant, would he have not seen the FBI’s search coming?
Could be a happy ending or is that too dark for this place?
What does TOFF mean?
He was clairvoyant about the results of the 2020 election, that's why he was saying it was rigged long before.
Nebris, "Treasonous Old Fat Fuck".
I think he’s setting himself up for an insanity plea 🤔
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