Julian Assange has said Barack Obama’s decision to grant whistleblower Chelsea Manning clemency was a bid to “make life hard” for him. ... Assange said Obama had commuted Manning’s sentence to get back at him. “What’s the result? It is going to make life hard for Assange because either he will be extradited to the US or we will show him [to be] a liar. Therefore, it is OK to pardon Chelsea Manning – that’s what happened.”What a fucking Russian tool.
(You thought I was talking about somebody else, maybe?)
Pretzelogic couldn't help but notice that Ass-ange, much like another "tool" I suspect many of us may have brought to mind, was referring to himself in the 3rd person. Is that, like, a thing now?
Maybe a way to sound like a "smart person" (or just what a dumb person thinks a smart person would sound like)?
Have Assange and Trump ever been in the same room at the same time?
Never mind. He's still in the Ecuadorian embassy? They can keep hiim.
Assange is right. And not only that, by merely commuting, with a five month delay, Obama also created an opportunity to for Trump to interfere with her release. A straight up pardon would have sidestepped all that.
It was a deeply cynical move on Obama's part.
Assange is an utter monster who not only puts the lives of innocent people at risk, but explicitly justifies doing so. No punishment would be too severe for him, and no self-absorbed and narcissistic statement from him could be surprising.
What Bad Tux said:
-Doug in Oakland
Nebris, the only thing Trump can really do is release her sooner. I would have been happier if he ad commuted it to end faster, but at least she's not going to be in the joint until 2045.
Doug, I've modified the post to reflect that. Thanks!
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