As everyone should know, the Soviet Union didn't have *any* czars. Oh, there was one at the time of the October Revolution, but they shot him in pretty short order.
That degree of ignorance, sad to say, is about what I have come to expect from the party of Palin.
Uhm, you're talking about historical facts here. Wingnuts don't believe in facts, only in faith. They have faith, faith I say, that the talking points handed down to them by their Party commissars in the Rushevik Party are correct and fully accurate, and if your mere "facts" appear to contradict their faith, it is you, not they, who are wrong. Because faith, in the end, far trumps mere "fact" amongst Rusheviks.
- Badtux the Sovok-observin' Penguin
Well, technically he is correct. Anything is greater than zero. Doesn't that mean Reagan had more as well?
Terrant, they might as well have said that the Administration has "more czars than Mars". But he is not correct, for the clear implication from his sign is that there were czars in the USSR.
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