If you are deaf in Alabama, that means that the cops are going to spray you with pepper spray and taser your ass because you can't hear them.
Note that the cops tried to press the "catch-all" charges that they file whenever they've abused someone: "Disorderly conduct." I'm about at the point when I hear that someone was charged with disorderly conduct, that's code for police brutality.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
21 minutes ago
This has been going on a long time (most of my life) it's just that right now the gestapo state seems to be taking over rather than being held back. With the war on drugs going so well (yea right) the cops seem to believe that everyone is their enemy and that any little thing becomes a provocation and gives them the right to protect themselves using any amount of force they want.
A symptom is that you don't need to be black, deaf, disabled, etc. to wind up on the bad side of a cop/cops, it just makes the process go faster.
Notice in the news article that the magistrate would not accept the charges. Sounds like he knew the charges were bogus and he was not giving the cops cover this time.
Yeah, at least the magistrate had some common sense.
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