Odds are that the footprint is as clear and sharp, now, as it was 40 years ago.
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This makes me sad, more than anything else. I was alive to see the first footprint made on the moon. I do not expect to ever see another footprint made on the moon during what's left of my lifetime. We simply are not that nation anymore, and the only nation that might have the industrial infrastructure and economic resources to do it -- China -- is more concerned with its own internal problems bringing nearly a billion peasants into modernity than with exploration of the universe.
- Badtux the Moonless Penguin
Wouldn't be too sure about that footprint...there's cosmic dust coming down all the time.
Not to mention a rocket launch in its immediate vicinity.
Inside Apolloe 15 LEM
Looking at what the Chinese seem to be doing, one may come to the conclusion that the next footprints on the moon will NOT be American. We had the chance to start colonies on the moon, to explore the moon for possible rare resources, and to establish future connections to the rest of the solar system. If it does happen in the future, it won't be America doing it.
I weep for those lost chances that this country has thrown away.
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