The Group of Eight leading industrial nations on Tuesday endorsed halving world emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050.
Fucking worthless. "We'll get around to doing something in 42 years," you can see the dead hand of the Bush Administration in that idea.
Climate change is happening faster than anyone thought it would. Three years ago, they thought the Arctic Ocean would be ice-free in summer by 2100, but that might even happen this year. The time to start taking concrete action is now (actually, it was eight years ago), but the Bush Administration is going to dither and dawdle and drag its feet.
When the debacle in Iraq is a footnote in the history books, when the details of the Bush war crimes are only a subject of advanced law school seminars and how the Bush Administration did its level best to wreck the global economy is only known to economic historians, the Bush Administration's record in opposing any action on climate change will be widely known.
The Bush Administration's antipathy towards all things scientific, a record only matched by Stalin's support for "socialist biology" and Hitler's antipathy towards physics as a "Jewish science," will forever brand this administration as one of the largest collection of ideological dunderheads in American history. Whenever the science of an issue conflicted with Bush's religious or ideological beliefs, he chucked the science. "Facts" and "reality" mean nothing in his view.
It's not just Americans, but every person on this planet for centuries who will have to pay the price of Bush's adherence to his beliefs. Every climate change disaster should be subtitled: "This Disaster Has Been Brought to You By the Ignorant Arrogance of George W. Bush."
Your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will curse and damn to Hell the souls of everyone who voted for that ignoramus, all 59 million of you, with special curses for the Supreme Court and those who stole the elections for Stupidicus Maximus.
Sunday funnies
1 hour ago
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