As you may know, I put towels on my furniture to protect them from cat messes. Well, tonight, Gracie was lying next to me on the couch as I finished off the previous post. She started with the "urp, ack, ack" bit and made as though she was about to jump down. I grabbed her and held her in place as she went through the main yocking-up of a mixture of a hairball and food, followed by the two aftershock barfings of lesser amounts of stomach fluid.
(I don't know why they all seem to do it that way-- one main barf and two secondary puke-ups. But they do.)
Once she was finished, I let her down, grabbed the towel, took it to the bathroom, brushed the large clumps of hairball and puke into the toilet and then tossed the towel into the washing machine. I'll do a load of cat towels tomorrow, anyway.
Gracie yocks up a hairball and tomorrow, vacation over, I go back to work.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
Have you tried the hairball stuff that comes in tubes? It does help reduce the number of ack-ups in our cats. It can be a pain to get some cats to take it, but we try to use it every several days - more often for long hairs.
I haven't used it, since Gracie seems to yock up a hairball maybe every 4-6 weeks. But I might get a tube and try it.
(My next place is going to have polyurethaned hardwood flooring.)
Cat towels wouldn't do my place much good (though I do have them on a few strategic chairs). When one of my cats hacks up a hairball, it invariably is in the middle of the hallway and done at 6am so that when I get up to go to the bathroom... well. You know.
- Badtux the Dirty-footed Penguin
I'm glad you had that towel down! I wish we'd had one in the bathroom this morning when The Actor decided to barf and miss the toilet.
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