The Air Force has used counter-terrorism funds to buy "comfort capsules" for VIPs traveling on Air Force transports.
The Maryland state cops repeatedly spied on peace activists and anti-death penalty groups in recent years. They also entered the names of some in a law-enforcement database of people thought to be terrorists or drug traffickers.
And the surprise about either one of these is what, exactly? The Air Farce has a long and storied record of playing fast and loose with our money. And as for the cops, that is what they do. That is what they have always done. Police forces of any stripe, whether in a democracy or an authoritarian state like Russia, regard dissent and protest as treasonable activities. To that mindset, you're either a loyal Bushie or you're a terrorist symp.
Of those million-plus names on the Department of Homeland Stupidity's watch list, care to bet that tens of thousands of those names belong to people whose only "crime" is to have spoken out against the policies of Dorquemada?
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
1 comment:
You ever find anybody to take that bet, let me know. I'll take a few bucks of your side. If speaking out against those treasonous bastards who have been polluting the White House for seven and a half years is all it takes to get on their damn list, I know I'll be in company with some fine folks.
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