The Army miscalculated the growth in the number of soldiers needing care (it's now at 12,000 and is expected to reach 20,000 next year), causing it to fall below "the required level of staffing" at most facilities -- despite the Army surgeon general's assertion in February that "we are entirely staffed at the point we need to be staffed."
When the Army is sucking up to Congress, as Dana Milbank noted, then they know that they are in trouble.
If you want to know why, think of it this way: The job of the Army is to fight wars. As far as the mind-set of the Army goes, wounded soldiers are like broken equipment, you either fix them fast or throw them away. To the Army, a soldier that can't fight is useless. "Warrior care" is a high priority to the Army only because Congress and the American people require that from the Army. If the Army could get away with dumping them all to the VA, they'd be perfectly happy to do so.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
This is just so incredibly sad. If only our "Commander in Chief" had thought through his decision to send our troops to fight.
"Thought through"? You might as well have been sad because Dorquemada couldn't turn back the tide or construct a nuclear reactor out of the parts in an auto junkyard.
Thinking is not what he does. He "goes with his gut," and he has said as much.
And now John McInsane proposes throwing many of those veterans out of the VA system too. Paralyzed because you ran your Humvee into a ditch while trying to evade enemy fire? So sorry, under McInsane's proposal you don't qualify thinks you don't deserve VA health care, because that's a traffic accident, not a combat injury.
Sick. Just sick. What next, he proposes boiling babies or biting the heads of of kittens?!
- Badtux the Disgusted Penguin
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