There's just too much crap.
John McCain's top foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, is one of the best buddies of Ahmad Chalabi, the alleged Iranian double agent who furnished the lies and phony evidence to justify the Iraq War.
Then there is John McCain, who is trying to paint Obama as being elitist, while McCain waltzes around in $500 Italian loafers. This is the clown who thinks he has much in common with the common people, at least those who can afford to run up a credit card bill of a quarter-million (and pay that all off each month) while flying around to his eight houses in his wife's jet. This is the same jackass who is in favor of coddling the rich while voting against every increase in the minimum wage.
This is the same "maverick" who decries nasty campaign tactics, but then goes negative right out of the gate. The best they can do is accuse Obama of being "popular?" I guess if you come from a party where your leader is roundly hated by a large majority of the of the American people, you can convince yourself that being popular is a bad thing.
McCain is no maverick. He's just another Rethuglican who has no problem going divisive and appealing to the worst instincts of people in order to frighten them.
If you think the last eight years were the way this country should be run, then by all means, vote for McCain. Of course, if you thought that, you're probably not reading this blog.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
13 minutes ago
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