"Rappers, Republicans, what's the difference? They both love money, they love guns, gay people scare the shit out of them, every other word out out of their mouth is `nigger.`" -- Wyatt Cenac, the Daily Show's Senior Political Image Consultant.
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2 hours ago
Priceless clip!
I need to get out more; none of the many Republicans I know (I am not Republican, myself) have any problems with gays or blacks.
Really, BobG, you just need to look at the front page of your local newspaper occasionally. Here in Kalifornia, it's right on the front page -- California is being sued because they properly labeled Proposition 8 as "Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry". Seems they want to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry because Teh Gay are, like, nasty evil and such, they just don't want to say they want to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry.
And Richard Cohen, the world's most duplicitous Republican partisan hack, just wasted a whole truckload of paper with his latest drivel published in the Washington ComPost about Obama where he does everything in his power to call Obama a scary nigger without actually calling Obama a scary nigger.
So, BobG, I have to say you just aren't looking very hard if you're not finding any Republicans that hate gays and who would use the word nigger if it were still polite to do so in public...
- Badtux the News Penguin
Actually, I know quite a few Democrats who match that description; ever met a bigot from the deep south? Most of them I've met were Democrats, but I don't judge all Democrats by them. I tend to regard party affiliations the same way I do religions; they are personal explanations of morality based completely on faith.
BobG: We have a lesbian friend here in Pensacola who in the past two weeks, has been:
1) Berated with fire and brimstone by some preacher in the produce section at Walmart for holding hands with her girlfriend.
2) Had shot glasses thrown at her back at a bar by redneck bikers for - again - holding hands with her girlfriend.
3) Had a conservative, religious coworker spew hate and rant about "dykes" and "queers" at a party before the idiot realized that our friend was - you guessed it - holding hands with her girlfriend.
Let's just say the perpetrators of these "hate crimes", as our friend calls them, would not be voting for Obama anytime soon. This is the Republican base, the people that McCain and Bush turn to when they need support.
What's hilarious to me is that these people consider homosexuality so monstrous while never taking a look at the way they act themselves! They belittle and assault with their self-righteousness and their bible-thumping, making complete raving fools of themselves. All the while, their victims come out on top because through their tolerance and their patience the victims prove themselves to be the finer human beings.
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