I clipped George's claws last night. Of my three, he is the only one who vociferously objects to my clipping his claws. I have never cut them to the quick, nor has anyone else I know of, but he acts as though I am trying to perform surgery on him with the lid of a tin can.
So sure enough, after I was done torturing him by clipping his nails, he expressed his displeasure by dumping a load right next to my bed.
I'm going to start referring to his anus as the "Eye of Shit-On."
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
My demon cat simply chooses to remove great quantities of flesh when I trim his claws. I think I prefer that to the pile of shit.
You need to get a dog, EBM. That takes care of the cat shit problem. Except that you then have to put the cat box up on a card table or something.
-- Badtux the Pet Penguin
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