It very well might be "The Killing Grounds" with Armand Assante. When it was first released, it was called Children of Wax.
I don't know who caught Assante in what compromising situation to get him to make this piece of trash. I'm visiting a friend and we felt like action movies, so we got that and Shooter. We watched Shooter first and then Killing Grounds. The contrast was like following up a meal of tenderloin steak with a bottle of $2 bourbon.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Critics
1 hour ago
you mean another disappointing movie starring Yoan Karamfilov
man that guy has made a string of bad movies
He was in Godforsaken "Judge Dredd!" What did you expect?
(Serious.y...I hate it when I see actors I like in crap projects. Sometimes, you can just tell they did it as schedule filler, or for the money.)
Case in point: Jeremy Irons, in "Dungeons and dragons."
I had never heard of Karamfilov before. 3 movies in the IMDB database and they all suck. A perfect record!
Karamfilov is of the same high caliber as Uwe Boll.
BobG, you made me go look that guy up. It appears that he has made some gawdawful movies.
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