The asswipe county clerk's term of office ends in January, 2019. So one might expect the judge to keep her in jail until then, or until she agrees to follow the rule of law.
If you got a job at Denny's and then you refused to serve the
Lumberjack Slam because it's a sin to eat pork products, you'd be out of a job in a femtosecond. If a Muslim at the DMV refused to issue driver's licenses to women because it's a sin for women to drive, the same worthies who are backing Asswipe would be marching on the DMV with torches and ARs.
If you work for the government and you can't follow the law because it conflicts with your morality, you have two and only two choices: Obey the law or quit. You don't like the law, work to change it. You can't change the law, then hell, try for a revolution. But no, you don't get to hold down your cushy job and deny services to people because you don't approve of them.
The wingnuts who are trying to compare Asshole to Rosa Parks are so full of shit that it's coming out their ears. Parks wasn't asking to kick honkies off the bus. No, Asshore is better compared to George Wallace's infamous stand in the schoolhouse door or Orval Fabus's closing of the Little Rock schools to keep black kids out of white schools.
I'm late to the party on this one, but there is now a
new method of carrying a handgun that is even more unsafe than
Mexican carry.
My training regimen for the Model 17 is this: One relay, slow-fire, weak hand; one relay, slow fire, strong hand; two relays, rapid fire, strong hand. I don't anticipate having to shoot a match with my weak hand, but it wouldn't hurt to better my ability to shoot with that hand.
I've gotten into the high 80s from time to time in rapid fire. I changed from getting my first shot off single-action to all double-action, only because I don't end up relocating my trigger finger.
This week, on slow fire, I shot an 88 and a 79 with my strong hand. I was routinely shooting high 50s, low 60s, so this is and improvement (Winchester white-box bulk-pack ammo).