He is the PM. of Great Britain and he has absolutely no clue as to how digital data storage is done these days. For Cameron was the one who ordered the destruction of the Guardian's hard drives.
Even so destroying paper files might have been pointless, as really vital stuff would have been run through a copier and saved elsewhere. As everyone reading this post knows, it is a trivial matter to copy digital data and to have the exact same material on computers and memory devices around the globe. It was such a ham-handed move that even the MTAHNS is backing away.
At this point in the saga to date, the reporters and pundits who are still standing with Drooling Dave and Barry the Mendacious* should find other work. For they are betraying what it means to be a journalist in a free society.
(Or they should go to work for the People's Daily in Beijing.)
* He lied about not having a domestic spying program. Now it comes out that the NSA is capturing 75% of Americans' Internet traffic, not just 1.6%. Yes, I am taking the position that if the NSA has the capacity to vacuum up 75% of our Internet use, they are doing at least that.
You Can’t Appeal To Customers Who Won’t Listen
53 minutes ago
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