Would You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse?

Congratulations! You made it! You climbed on top of others at times, helped out the ones you thought you could save, but regardless of your level of altruism, you've survived the zombie apocalypse. Your knowledge of weaponry, quick thinking, smart planning, and cold efficiency have saved your life. Go on and boogie--you deserve it.
Take this quiz!
It also works for fending off Ron Paul supporters, but there probably won't be as many of them.
I don't know about firing off a 12-gauge shotgun like a pistol as Milla Jovovich is doing; a 12-gauge pump is going to have a bit of recoil, especially in one of those no-stock wonders as shown above. I want a recoil pad in a 12-gauge pump (or a .30-06 bolt-action rifle), firing one one-handed like a pistol would seem to be a great way to accumulate stress fractures.
Yes, I know it's a movie. But there are no shortage of idiots out there who will try to do something they saw in a movie.
Which, of course, is one reason why we have the Darwin Awards.
I once fired off four boxes of shell through my 12 gauge pump. Not high power shells, mind you. Just normal 2 3/4" bird shot, practicing killing those elusive "skeet" thingies (what, you don't think I was hunting *real* birds, huh? That would make me an odd bird indeed!).
Man, my shoulder hurt the next day! Fire that damned thing one-handed? Yeah right. Bloody thing kicks like a freakin' mule if it ain't up against your shoulder, like, *tight*, and even then you *feel* it...
-- Badtux the Shotgun-wieldin' Penguin
Just found your blog.
As a hetero male conservative (g), it's refreshing!
Yes, I have fired quite a few rounds from such a beastie as that. Not painful at all, but it loses it's fun factor after a while.
I agree.... a stock and a pad makes for more accurate shooting, and more enjoyment.
CarTeach0, I'm trying to think of a way to add a beer tap. :)
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