Iam Welsh argues that humanity is at peak-just-about-everything, Basically, it'll all be cool if you're a Boomer or a Gen-Xer, as you'll likely be gone before the shit hits the fan. But if you're a Gen-Zer or in Gen-, Alpha, it may seriously suck to be you.
Worse, when shit starts getting real and resources start getting short, that's when countries start deciding that if they are running short of arable land or water or whatnot, the age-old answer of "go take it from someone else" comes into play.
Update: Per a comment, this was first predicted nearly fifty years ago.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
13 minutes ago
Has he been stealing? The ZPG folks had it right.
How a Computer From MIT Predicted the End of Humanity in 1973
The software used is called “World 3 system” and it predicted that the world will come to an end provoked by humanity in 2040
A major prediction that was right is the system calculating a variable that was very criticized back in the day. This considered that climate change was caused by humans. The results showed that once the peak is reached, everything will slowly decline, along with the quality of life.
I stopped reading him because most of what he writes seems mostly correct and mostly depressing. But if you read any geology at all you see that co² levels above about 400ppm are what stops and melts glaciers and icecaps and brings on interglacial periods. We are now at about 420 and rising like a hockey stick, even absent the coming increased methane outgassing from arctic melt, 20x more potent than co². And if you're already in a warm interglacial period like the last 12.5k years then you get ocean acidification and anoxia and mass extinction as the heat spikes. But maybe social unrest will get us much sooner. Us boomers won't get the fun retirement we wanted maybe. So enjoy every sandwich while you still can.
We are being turned out of the garden ...
I remember a lecture in Engineering school in 1973 regarding global warming, indicating that the climate was going to change for the worse with little hope of prevention. I believed it then and now we see that it was true. I never had any hope humans would be smart enough to deal with this. I purposely never had children and I am very happy to leave this mass extinction to later idiot generations.
Oh, it gets worse. Putting more carbon dioxide in the oceans, which is what is going on, increases the potential for hydrogen sulfide blooms.
Which will kill everyone.
Musk plans to try and establish colonies on Mars. Even if he gets a critical mass of people there (a million or more), Mars is an incredibly hostile place, they'd have to quickly establish an industrial base, and Murphy's Law is such that they won't be able to make some critical part.
Our monument as a species will be two dead space probes out in interstellar space.
Two words...
Silent spring.
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