Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
If you're one of the Covidiots who believe that COVID-19 is "just the flu",
that the 2020 election was stolen, or
especially if you supported the 1/6/21 insurrection,
leave now.
Slava Ukraini!
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1 comment:
I've got a picture I took from 1970 in Pleiku showing a Vietnamese girl selling and trading fried rats. Held by the tail just like the pic, a local delicacy I guess. They would trade them for C-rats too (C-Rations- canned US Army food).
Since the fried rats no doubt tasted better than our C-rats (especially the ham-and-motherfuckers-Lima beans), we figured they were trading for the VC for use as field rations.
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