Orange Felon Can't Tell Me What to Do

Words of Advice:


"If Something Seems To Be Too Good To Be True, It's Best To Shoot It, Just In Case." -- Fiona Glenanne

"Foreign Relations Boil Down to Two Things: Talking With People or Killing Them." -- Unknown

“Speed is a poor substitute for accuracy.” -- Real, no-shit, fortune from a fortune cookie

"Thou Shalt Get Sidetracked by Bullshit, Every Goddamned Time." -- The Ghoul

"If you believe that you are talking to G-d, you can justify anything.” — my Dad

Democracy Dies When Billionaires and Hedge Funds Buy Newspapers.

"Never Get Into Anything With a 'Jesus Nut'." -- every fixed-wing pilot

"Colt .45s; putting bad guys in the ground since 1873." -- Unknown

"The Dildo of Karma rarely comes lubed." -- Unknown

"Eck!" -- George the Cat

Karma may sometimes be late to arrive.
But it never loses an address.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Christian Taliban Would Have Her Executed

On Monday three days after the Supreme Court issued its groundbreaking decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an Indianapolis obstetrician-gynecologist, took a call from a colleague, a child abuse doctor in Ohio.

Hours after the Supreme Court action, the Buckeye state had outlawed any abortion after six weeks. Now this doctor had a 10-year-old patient in the office who was six weeks and three days pregnant

Forcing a ten-year old child to herself bear a child is nothiing short of child abuse. But that's where Republicans/Christian Talibanistas live thse days. The only thing women are, to Republicans, are walking uteruses.


Sdv1949 said...

That story was debunked in a matter of hours.

Comrade Misfit said...

And yet you don't provide a single link to back up your claim.

B said...

Ask yourself:
If the girl was really only 10 years old, where are the charges of abuse from the parent(s)? A 10 year old can not give consent.

This is a one source story and likely has no basis in fact.

B said...

So it is odd that there are no details of such a heartstring tugging story.
$100 says it is bullshit.

It appears that there is nothing but words, that the story is made up of whole cloth. The Left made it up and is claiming that they can't give details because it is a child. Typical tactic.

Feel free to demonstrate otherwise.

Eck! said...

As they say in the olden days, CITE! Provide sources to
support your claim. I bet we never hear from you again.
Or just more lies.

All sources I looked at seem legit. That include AP,
Indy Star, WP, TheGuardian, FOX-several and a list of

There is nothing out there even snopes to deny its true.
Its fair to be skeptical, but child abuse is real.
Rapists and pedophiles do exist and prey on children.
So probability and likelihood leans toward true.

However normally that would cause a criminal case and
even then due to circumstances only occasionally and
6 weeks is rarely the length of any investigation short
of the perp was shot at the scene of the crime.

When in rape is penalizing the victim justice acceptable.

The other part is privacy laws, despite the Roe takedown
HIPPA is fully in effect. Patient privacy is protected
especially when it involves a minor.


Sdv1949 said...

Check Glenn Kesslers fact check at the Washington Post. Meanwhile a few questions: since a 10 yr old cannot consent who has been charged? Where did the doctor report this to the authorities (required)? Where did it happen? Where in Indiana was she taken? A lot of you are losing your minds on the unsupported word of a pro-abortion activist.


Sdv1949 said...

Come on. Post my comment.

SteveP said...

The sole source of this story is an unsubstantiated claim by Indianapolis gynecologist/obstetrician/abortionist/activist Dr Caitlin Bernard. Attempts by journalists to corroborate or verify the story have been unsuccessful. Dr Bernard refuses to answer any questions.
If the story is true she has committed a crime by failing to report the rape of a child to authorities.
The Ohio law is a fetal heartbeat law and does not outlaw abortions at six weeks.

B said...

Even the WaPo is doubtful:

dinthebeast said...

The state legislature in Mississippi was considering posting trained dogs at airports to sniff out pregnant people trying to leave the state in case they might be trying to terminate pregnancies.
The endgame here is allowing rapists to choose which women bear their children.
That's Republican orthodoxy in the year of our lord 2022.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Comrade Misfit said...

Sdv1949, I moderate comments when I get around to it. My life isn't this blog. I'm oh, so sorry that the speed of my moderation efforts doesn't meet your approval. {/sarc}

Ten Bears said...

LOL ~ Hi Cap'n ... !

Sounds like (looks like?) somebody had a playover in mama's basement. Cheetos!

~ giggle, giggle, snort, snout turned up in a half-snarl ... hey! I got an idea, let's troll the Captain's basement! yeah! just make shit up, you say this and then I'll say that and then man-o-man will we ever own those libs! hand me another beer ~

Laugh. Out. Loud ...

SteveP said...

Doug in Sugar Pine,
That claim is a lie, and one of the more absurd ones being told in this whole controversy.

Eck! said...

IF it is a lie...

Never said it could not be. My comment it is fair to be skeptical.
At 10 (or even 11) most girls are neither mature enough emotionally
for that, and physically it may push the limits of possible
(sexual maturity and ability to conceive) and where it seems to
happen at very early ages due to limited pelvic development it
leads to a longer term physical damage urinary incontinence,
vaginal tearing. For many, especially the young, pregnancy
is not a benign thing for the mother or the possible fetus.

Would forcing the pregnancy on a minor below the age of consent
or younger be good for the child?

Thats a loaded question. Many do not want to answer as it
gives their position and can be attacked from either side.
That last part is why abortion is a lightning rod as it
brings out some of the worst for very poor reasons.

I have seen what happens both ways in my life to others and
the damage is not inconsequential.


SteveP said...

I'll just leave this here.

Comrade Misfit said...

Got something from non-batshit-crazy-right-wing websites?

Did the Indy Star retract the story?

B said...

Ah. Now PJ Media is Batshit Crazy.
Funny how you use that every time you disagree with the posted Cite.
PJ media is as reliable as your vaunted NYT. Probably less biased as well.
Face it, your side won't post the fact that they all jumped on a single source story that met their needs even though it was false. And you folks fell for it. It's called Confirmation Bias

SteveP said...

Since the facts don't support your propaganda narrative just attack the messenger.

Mind your own business said...

Did they verify the story, or was their story that the Indiana abortion activist just said something? Which they then didn't verify.

B said...

How about this:
You know that the NYT and the others, like you, will never admit that they were wrong unless forced to.
This was a story made up to fit the confirmation bias of the Feminists. And it worked, It got the mall riles up and in a tizzy. You fell for it, just like the rest.

And, like the FNC press, you will not admit that it was a lie and that you were wrong.

The question is, do you have the honesty to post this and the comment with the WaPo story claiming it was a lie?

Ten Bears said...

Yes, there is a 10-year-old rape victim ~

A Columbus man has been charged with impregnating a 10-year-old Ohio girl ~ whose travel to Indiana to seek an abortion led to international attention following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade and activation of Ohio’s abortion law ~ and is being held in the Franklin County jail on a $2 million bond.

w3ski said...

It may have been debunked somewhere, but they just busted the rapist. So sorry Charlie, it was real.

dinthebeast said...

Debunked? That's most likely news to the guy they arrested for the rape.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Comrade Misfit said...

I suppose that we will wait a very long time for an apology from all the people in this comment thread who said that the story was false.

B said...

Nope, I was wrong.

See: That isn't so hard.
Now, you try it next time you are.

B said...

It isn't, after all, like the Left hasn't Lied or Exaggerated to stir up votes or otherwise influence people to get what they wanted.

Or that the Press (especially the Times and their ilk) has sensationalized something in reaction.

But, at the end of it, for whatever reason, those of us who doubted were indeed wrong.

Dark Avenger said...

B, thanks for demonstrating that you can take responsibility for your posts here. As for your “lefties are liars, too”, that doesn’t neutralize the facts of the case here. 8/10

Comrade Misfit said...

Fact: The Republican Party, AKA the Christian Taliban, is just fine with forcing a ten year-old rape victim to bear the child of her rapist.

Ten Bears said...

Pro-life my rosy, red ass: forcing that child to bear that child would kill her.

Comrade Misfit said...

Nice work, B. You can't admit that you were wrong without engaging in a bout of whataboutism?