First off, Boris Johnson has found out the hard way that in order to be a leader, people have to follow. The Russians are claiming Boris quit because he was hostile to Russia, which only suggests that Baghdad Bob has gotten himself a new gig.
Second, Brittney Griner pled out in a Russian court. I understand the reasoning for that plea, but how in hell can the Biden Admininstration say that she was wrongfully detained when she copped to doing what she was accused of doing.
Third, The ISW reports that the Kremlin is carrying out a "crypto-mobilization" of the Russian economy in support of the war. I don't know how well that's going to work. Their unspoken dealwith Putin was that he did international relations and politics, while ordinary Russians got to go about their lives without either the economic catastrophes of the Yeltsin era or the everyday shortages and general meddling of Soviet times. It seems that Putin is bringing back the Soviet era and it may not sit too well.
Fourth, imagine this headline: "Woman Killed Due to Alcohol Violence" in a case where a drunker boyfriend beat her to death. I get that we have a problem in this country with people murdering one another (and themselves) with firearms. But the term "gun violence" implies that everything will be hunky dory and that unicorns farting rainbows will descend upon us if the guns all go away. Which ignores reality, but we tend to chase easy solutions. For example, we have a crisis with mental health because some assholes[1]
thought they could cut taxes by enplying out the insane asylums and switch to community-based care, but that never happened.[2]
So the criminal justice system ends up dealing with a lot of people with mental problems, which means the police. Cops enforce laws, they're not social workers. And when the expeted result happens, the cry is "defund the police", not "we'd better get going on those community-based mental health centers that we were supposed to set up in the 1960s."
To my mind, using the term "gun voiolence" is a signal of lazy thinking.
One last tip: When a political candidate in this cycle says that "I'm going to plut America first", you're listening to a follower of the TOFF. Even if they don't say that they are.
[1] Looking at you, Ronald Reagan.
[2] That was a perfect combination of NIMBYism and "that's going to cost money and we'll have to raise taxes."
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
Major ups. Needs some fine tuning. Hit me on the bat channel.
In my state the governor(R) closed down the state mental health facilities twenty plus tears ago To save money) so now the ones who need the help in up in jail (which costs more) or in the street where they cause trouble for themselves or others. In a book I am now reading about WW11 American bomber pilot Werner Goering, Hermann's nephew, it brings up the German American Bund which supported Hitler. There are many out there now that seem to have revived their way of thinking except they dropped the German part.
I've repeatedly noted how the country is awash in alcohol and methamphetamine, meth being everything from the street shit to Sudafed, Adderall and yeah: coffee. I'll get to video games ...
Lazy use of language.
Gun Violence that is violence that happened using a gun,
note tense.
We can chance the tense.
Police carry/use guns they are then gun violent.
People die in Auto violence, sure some may be accidents, but
just as likely drivers are then vehicle violent.
What about people violence, people are violent, we have proof!
The funny thing of it all is cars or guns are not violent.
Put them somewhere and leave them alone and well, not much happens
save for some rust and collecting dust.
I can think of others but its mostly redundant.
Just keeping the meme of sloppy jingo language.
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