China has been clamping down on research into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, trying to make sure that science serves the interests of the state and the CCP.
Clmping down on science and being opaque is how conspiracy theories can gain traction. China is hiding the truth. So while it's highly unlikely that the Chinese engineered COVID-19 (why would they kill offf thouands of their Han citizenry) and cripple the economy of a major city), the mere fact that the Chinese are hiding shit implies that they have something to hide.
And that is where the conspiracy theorists come in....
Small Talk, Big Trouble
19 minutes ago
I am not at all unconvinced it didn't originate in a bio-weapons lab in Ohio, and that all of this manufactured 'china virus' hysteria is more than just manufactured hysteria. It's a 'ew ew ew look at that ill-dressed woman' coverup.
No, it originated in a bioweapons lab down the hall from Josh Hawley's office at the school of law and over-the-road trucking.
While I strongly doubt that the Chinese intended it to get out into the wild, I also have no doubt that it escaped from their bioLab in Wuhand. It probably WAS an accident.
We will likely never know the truth for sure. It's not like we can expect the Chinese to tell us anything but their version of the truth.
The virus likely came from one of Vietnam, Laos or Myanmar. A WHO team is going to investigate. It's not a weapon if it can't be controlled.
why would they kill offf thouands of their Han citizenry)
Scientists who investigated the genome said that there was almost no possible way it could have been engineered. But that isn't nearly as useful in the propagandization of folks like B, so there's not the same incentive to spread it around.
What China's motivation for suppressing information about it might be, I don't really know, but their penchant for suppressing information that might not make the Party look good is well known and widespread, so yeah, likely SOP for them but fuel for idiots with agendas.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
China probably suppresses the information for the same reason that Trump knowingly lied about the virus especially at the start of the pandemic, it makes them look incompetent and weak if they aren't completely in control.
I suppose I should clarify: I was being a smart-ass, a reformed drunk. I am on record here and elsewhere as finding it as likely to have thawed out of the thawing tundra a viri that hasn't seen a human since before we were human as to have jumped from raw bat to undercooked dog to ill-fed human or to have escaped a bio-weapons facility in Cincinnati, St. Petersburg or Tel Aviv.
Blind boars 'n acorns: b is right, we'll never know the truth of it.
SO y'all are gonna believe the CHinese? THeir original story that it came from bats in a Wuhan "Wet Market"...bats that live 250 kn=m away from Wuhan.
Of course, the Disease Lab is only blocks from the "Wet Market"....But that's just a coincidence, right?
Perhaps the NIH would be a better place to start:
-Doug in Sugar Pine
B, the next thing you’ll be telling is that the virus was cooked up with the help of Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Dr. Fauci,
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