1) Which number is larger: a) 81,282,896 or b) 74,222,484?
2) Which number is larger: a) 306 or b) 232?
1(a) is the number of votes Biden received. 1(b) is the number of votes Trump received. Similarly, 2(a) is the number of electoral votes for Biden, 2(b) is the number of electoral votes for Trump. Anyone who answered "b" for either question, if not both, is unhinged from reality.
I've been on wingnut blogs proclaiming "Trump got 74 million votes, how could he have lost?" The answer, Sparky, is easy: Biden got 81 million votes. Biden won, not by a plurality, but by a majority. Biden won by seven million votes. Your guy lost fair and square. The legal blatherings have been both an attempt to overcome a free election by a judical coup and the functionings of diseased minds. The legal filings by the Cabal of Sore Losers have gone nowhere.
Anyone who still believes that Trump won is somewhere on the spectrum between delusional and treasonous.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
You are a lawyer, isn't there some point at which the courts can/will just stop airing his nonsense? I've read of people suggesting this and yet I can see no end to his silly suits.
He really has made a mockery of the court system.
Curious about how that works.
America burns, T**** and his wretched gang party. Fortunately the judicial wall has held thus far. Since it appears that Texas believes it can sue other states, non-seditious states should sue Texas for voter suppression, voter intimidation, and and racial discrimination.
I believe, though, that Paxton is just submitting an offering to T**** to get a blanket pardon for his not yet adjudicated crimes. He doesn't give a crap about his specious lawsuit or it's outcome.
The lawsuits will now continue as Covid Super Spreader should be disbarred Giuliani has been discharged from the hospital and appears on the road to recovery after receiving treatment neither you nor I can afford or obtain.
As to frivolous lawsuits; get held in contempt or sanctioned: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frivolous_litigation
Is it just me or could you put it in a plaid suit and sell used cars.
Dude is a poster for every negative caricature ... seriously, looks like a lawyer.
1+1 is not 3. At least in the real world.
The idea of promoting a fraud or a lie is is it not a conspiracy to
commit a crime before the court?
Collecting money based on that fraudulent effort is also a crime.
When do the arrests happen?
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