Gun Jesus does it:
Some years ago, I moved from a 2A free state to one that is quite a bit restrictive. I sold my AR-15 and magazines (for a lot less than I could have gotten, now) and other stuff, though, to be fair, a lot of that was due to a felt need to offset some medical bills. But I felt the need for a repeater to replace it. I considered a M-1 carbine, but opted for a SKS because of both ammo availability and the fact that I could get a boatload of stripper clips for the cost of a couple of ten-round magazines.
But I still would like one.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
14 minutes ago
I inherited my Dad’s M1A1. I have a ten round and 2 thirty round clips. But the ammo is steep, almost $1 per round. I could go thru about $2000 each time I go to out to the farm to shoot, 600 if my brothers show up. But all in all, it’s a nice rifle.
$200 not 2000
(Twitchy finger)
Doesn't the SKS have better ballistics than the .30 carbine round, described as having pistol or revolver performance?
Consider a Ruger PC-9 when things settle down.
Yea, but the SKS is just plain cheap fun.
SKS is awesome, until the supply of cheap 7.62 x 39 started to dry up.
The SKS may or may not be better than the M1, or 7.62x39 may or may not be better than .30 Carbine, but "pistol or revolver performance" is false.
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