Yes, there was a case of a guy who registered dead people to vote.
It was a Republican, who registered two dead relatives and voted absentee for his mother, who has been dead since Bush II was in power.
He's been indicted.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
Should be getting a pardon soon!
Turnabout is fair play
It's somewhat funny how the provable cases of voter fraud tend to involve Republicans.
Pardons pardons who needs a pardon?
Disgusting Donald can't pardon people facing trouble in state courts.
(Something that Manafort and others are about to find out.)
Isn't a pardon pretty much an admission of guilt?
But yeah, funny how it's always repubs and always the same dumb stunt - voting as mother.
This is going to leave marks!
Sure, TX got demolished, but my dude LG Dan Patrick put out a handsome reward for voter fraud.
We delivered.
He owes us $3M, Pennsylvania
Well said, Comrade. The PROVABLE cases, the ones with facts, evidence, and all that other stuff that makes it TRUE, all seem to be the result of Republicans/conservatives/ right wingers. When one of theirs is prosecuted the usual response is as above:
Blogger Tewshooz said...
Turnabout is fair play
Now THAT’s something you can’t argue with.
What’s the old saying? Don’t argue with the ignorant. They’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. And the willfully ignorant are even tougher to reason with.
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