Small Talk, Big Trouble
24 minutes ago
A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
If you're one of the Covidiots who believe that COVID-19 is "just the flu",
that the 2020 election was stolen, or
especially if you supported the 1/6/21 insurrection,
leave now.
Slava Ukraini!
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Yeah, could we get a bill to assist the healthcare workers who are being overwhelmed with this like we got the damn PATRIOT act after 9-11?
They need some help, and we are the ones who will suffer with them if they don't get it.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
My family has been doing the responsible things. Masks. Social distancing. Staying away from crowds. However, we try to support the businesses that we used to frequent in normal times.
Today, we decided to order takeout from a particular restaurant. When we pulled up, every single table was full. People shoulder to shoulder, inside and outside, crammed together. There was a line to be seated, 10-20 people long, all bunched up. No one, anywhere, wearing masks (except the staff, god help them). I'm talking people who haven't ordered yet, were waiting for their food, or had already finished.
I raced in and out of there as fast as I could, and breathed as little as possible.
People believe this thing is over. They are selfish. They are stupid. They are cruel. And they are wrong.
Historians aren't going to believe any of this actually occurred. They are going to say that the history of the Trump years was distorted by his political enemies, as there was no possible way things were ever really this fucked up.
Where the heck are B and the other Covidiots? I'd honestly like to hear from the "Covid is nothing" crowd what they think is going on with ICUs in California. Are the reports of them filling up fake? Are they full of people with problems unrelated to Covid? The somewhat wacko right-wing sites I keep an eye have been largely silent about Covid rates recenly (and completely silent about election fraud), so I can't ask there.
Briana had a phone conversation with her mom's cousin about getting the property taxes paid on the land her mom owns in Humboldt County, and in the middle of an otherwise rational and helpful conversation, this woman went off on a rant about how COVID wasn't what "they" are saying it is.
The thing is, Briana's mom had COVID, and managed to live through it.
The propaganda they are pushing is dangerous, evil, and wrong.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
B is here watching y'all echo each other....
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