Today is the 100th anniversary of the goddamn ship's sinking. Gilded Age, steerage passengers mostly drowned, women & children first, Edwardian-age hubris, unsinkable ship, inadequate rudder, insufficient lifeboats, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Tomorrow, can we all give it a rest until the 150th anniversary?
Small Talk, Big Trouble
25 minutes ago
Or, as the joke goes:
Q: What do you get when you cross the Atlantic with the Titanic?
A: About half way.
From an entirely different prospective.. That was the event that put amateur radio on the map as more than a novelty radio hobby. Many of the shore stations handling the messages going both ways were not commercial stations as they were few and over worked. Many of the then newly established amateur stations were also doing exactly the same work of exchanging traffic. The bulk of the traffic was what is called health and welfare.
Titanic was a disaster, no question. But the events of the time were significant in that radio became important and maritime rules around radio
were formalized around safety.
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