Has anyone else noticed that the Republicans have a track record of first attacking Democratic candidates for a characteristic and then, the next time that they have to run a new candidate, the Republicans pick a candidate that has the same characteristic?
In 1992 and 1996, the Republicans furiously attacked Bill Clinton for having dodged the draft. In 2000 and 2004, the Republican candidate was a draft-dodger; as anyone who lived through the Vietnam War knows full well that during that war, the National Guard was a place for the sons of the well-connected and rich to hide out from having to participate in the war.
In 2004, Republicans attacked John Kerry for marrying into money and for having a lot of houses. Marrying into money is exactly what John McCain did (even though he was still married to Carol McCain when he married Cindy). McCain has eight houses, more than he can keep track of.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
Actually, they've counted it up and now they think he has *ten* houses.
Crap, he's got so many that even the media is having trouble counting them all...
- Badtux the Iceberg-dwelling Penguin
He might not own any of them, they may all be owned by the Trollopy C***.
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