If this report from the BBCis accurate, that a major bank is going to fail soon, then things may get a lot nastier.
Meanwhile, new home starts are at their lowest in 17 years and inflation, as measured by wholesale prices, is at its highest in 27 years.
Nice job, Dubya.
But McCain thinks everything is peachy and that the economic policies ("policies" being a synonym for "the vomit of a drunken imbecile") of the Bush Administration do not need to be changed.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
The industry that I work for is really feeling the pain of the slow down in building starts. So much so that many of them are closing up shop. We're talking old, family run small businesses.
Unfortunately, I doubt any of them will connect their woes with Republican "leadership" (right into the ditch).
(Heavy, put-upon sigh)
DCup, over at Outta the Cornfield, One Fly has posted some truly frightening things about the similarities between the US and the USSR and that, should our economy also collapse, it will be far worse for us.
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