Sunday, August 31, 2008
Western Union Cat
I guess he didn't care for the food.
McCain Changes His Tune
That didn't stop him three years ago when Hurricane Katrina rolled ashore:

Of course, the difference now is that the Governor of Louisiana is a Republican, so this time, you won't see the Chimpy Administration playing bullshit political games, such as trying to force the governor of Louisiana to turn over all emergency management authority to FEMA (a request which was never made of the governor of Mississippi).
The Republicans have seized on Hurricane Gustav as an excuse to keep their two least popular political figures, Chimpy and Lord Voldemort, away from the GOP convention.
Note also that the Republican preachers were praying that Obama's speech would be rained out. Didn't happen, of course. However, a major hurricane will make landfall in the U.S. when the GOP is supposed to start its convention.
Feel free to draw your own conclusions.
The Prayer of the Wingnuts

Additions to the Blog Roll
This one is worth spending some time on: The Spy Who Billed Me.
Put Your Minds at Ease, People of New Orleans
I wish this was a joke.
It most assuredly is not.
(H/t to C&L)
The Newest Import From China
We cannot continue to treat this planet in the way that people like George Bush do, as a huge garbage dump.
Bush's Endless Assault on the Constitution
Of course, the Bush Drones in the Congress will go along with it, because the only card they have left to play is their fear card.
Bush wants, in essence, to scrap the Constitution and change this nation into a fascist state and the stated justification is that a bunch of goons hiding out in the Afghanistan-Pakistan frontier are plotting more terrorist attacks. That is such an insane proposition that I have to wonder what else he is trying to do. And no, I am not ruling out the possibility that Cheney and Addington are cooking up a plan to cancel or set aside the election.
Funny thing, though: Bush seems to think that history will regard him better than 70% of the American do. I used to think that was a safe bet, since most Americans now think that Bush is the worst president ever and after all, there is still an argument that his distant ancestor, Franklin Pierce was worse, and then there is Warren G. Harding.
Compared to current leaders around the world, only maybe Robert Mugabe is more thuggish and Mikhal Saakashlivi is more incompetent than George Bush.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Bushgrad, a City on the Mississippi River
Freedom, you see, only means the freedom to agree with George Bush. In that way, we are now as free as were the citizens of the Soviet Union.
Three Years Ago
On his 70th birthday, John "Sidekick" McCain and the Tsar of the Baboons were doing this:

Two days later, after his aides finally dared to interrupt the good times to tell him that there was bad news in the land, Disgustus Maximus had Air Force One fly over so he could take a look:

Meanwhile, let's not forget that Vice President Voldemort was also on vacation. He did not return to Washington until a full week after Hurricane Katrina came ashore.
And on September 9, 2005, Chimpy told the then-director of FEMA: "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."
So these clowns want another four years?
Hillary said it best: "No how. No way. No McCain."
Do We Need Another "Science is Stupid" President?
Republicans Are Flip-Flopping At the Speed of Light
- First term governor of Virginia, former lieutenant governor and former mayor of Richmond: Too inexperienced.
- First term governor of Alaska and former mayor of West Frostbite: Experienced.
First general rule: Do not use a flash. Cats (and dogs) see well at night; their eyes are designed to amplify dim light. When you hit the eyes of a cat straight-on with a flash, you will get the "demon eyes" or "headlights" effect.
This is Rocky, with a flash:
Rocky, without a flash:
You will have to brace the camera if the light is not sufficient for a fast shutter speed. Digital cameras do not have the vibration of a film single-lens reflex camera (focal plane shutter flying, mirror slamming up), so you can cheat a little on the old rule that you need to brace the camera at any speed less than 1/60th of a second. But you can't cheat by much, as the digital cameras without a viewfinder, the ones that only use a LCD screen, are not as stable as a camera you can brace against your head. You don't have to use a tripod, set your elbows on something firm or rest the camera itself on something.
Generally, because you cannot trust a cat to hold steady, you may wind up using the autofocus feature. Just be careful that it is not fooled by other objects. Manual focus is the best way, though.
Enough with the lecture, here is a new stray cat that has been hanging around a friend's house. We think she is pregnant.
Could Steve Doocy Be a Bigger Idiot If He Worked At It?
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
John McCain Chooses a Running Mate | |||| | ||||
This is a VP choice that can really be worked against McCain. It needs to be pointed out that Palin is on the opposite side of every traditional woman's issue. It also needs to be hammered that this an incredible condescending choice, in that McCain is apparently praying that women are so stupid as to vote for anyone who has a vagina.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Try to Find Somone in Moscow Who Cares
I'll bet that Putin and Medvedev are losing sleep over that....
Gee. What Was that About Inexperience?
John McCain has selected Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his vice presidential running mate, according to the McCain campaign, a surprise pick sure to shake up the race and reinforce the idea of the Arizona senator as a reformer.OK, so what was that GOP slam about "experience matters?" McCain is picking a Veep who was a small town mayor up until two years ago and has less than two years' experience at one of the most rural and most-federally-subsidized states?
Since if he is elected, McCain would be the most likely president to die in office since FDR was re-elected in `44, this pick matters. For all of Palin's experience, McCain might have well just gone to the convention next week and had someone throw a lawn dart into the crowd.
MacGyver Cat, Pt. 2
So he definitely is smarter than the average Bush Administration political appointee.
Topsy-Turvy World
It's a strange world when the Prime Minister of Russia, a former KGB officer, is more believable than the Bush Administration. It's certainly not inconceivable that the Bush Administration would consider egging Georgia into starting a war with Russia for the benefit of McCain.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
"Fair & Balanced," My Ass

Here is one of the New Minnesota Twins from the Alternate Brain:

(Added the name so Google will pick it up.)
Another Medal Contender in the "Lack of Self-Awareness Olympics"
"Russia is going to have to come to terms with the reality it can either integrate with the world or it can be a self-isolated bully. But it can't be both. And that's a choice Russia has to have," Fried said.
And how, exactly, does that differ from the way that the Bush Administration has conducted its foreign policy? "Bullying" is the signature tactic of George Bush and Vice President Voldemort.
Let's be clear on this central point: Georgia started this war. Russia did not. It turned out badly for Georgia. Too fucking bad for them. You don't get a free pass for stupidity and aggression just because your nation is nominally a democracy.
And let's also be clear on this: There are a lot of places in the world where, for not a huge investment, Russia can make life very difficult for American foreign policy, if they so choose.
Truth in Advertising.

(Found here)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
USCG-- What the Fuck
That is a little far outside the normal stomping grounds of the Coast Guard by something around 5,000 miles.
This Is Not Good

Stupid, Bitter, Dead-Ender Bints
They are not part a political party. They are part of a cult of personality.
If they are so bedazzled that they cannot see the differences between Barack Obama and John McCain, and that they think it doesn't matter which one gets elected, they should remember this: Many people felt the same way in 2000, not seeing any difference between Al Gore and George Bush. The truth turned out to be somewhat different.
These are questions that should be asked of the die-hard Clintonistas:
- Do you really think that Al Gore would have endorsed the use of torture and the wholesale scrapping of the rule of law?
- Do you think that Al Gore would have endorsed the tapping of everyone's e-mail and telephone?
- Do you really believe that Al Gore would have falsified the reasons to invade a country not connected with the 9-11 attack?
- Do you really believe that Al Gore would have cut the taxes of the wealthiest Americans and nearly doubled the Federal budget?
- Do you really believe that Al Gore would have placed religious ideology over scientific reality?
- Do you really believe that Al Gore would have turned the Justice Department into a partisan snakepit?
- Do you really believe that Al Gore would have gutted rules on workplace safety or environmental protection?
But if you believed in the things that Hilary Clinton stands for, and if you now really believe that John McCain would be a better choice than Barack Obama, I respectfully suggest to you that you have someone grasp your shoulders gently and have them firmly pull your head out of your ass.
Politics is often the art of the possible. You can get 95% of the way there by supporting Barack Obama or you can watch John McCain complete George Bush's work of destroying our democracy by turning it into a pro-corporation police state, like Chile under Pinochet.
Choose wisely.
UPDATE: Jill's post on the same issue.
UPDATE II: The Rude Pundit chimes in.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Bee Killers
And, no surprise here, there are allegations that Bush's EPA knew about this years ago and kept quiet about it.
In Germany, companies that knowingly poison the environment get prosecuted. In Bush's America, they get protected.
Libby's No. 93! Libby's No. 93!
Elizabeth Dole is apparently confused by the difference between her Senatorial ranking and her age. That doesn't say much for her cognitive skills.
"Only Surrender Monkeys Support Timetables in Iraq;" Part 2
The Bush Administration could fuck up a wet dream. If the neo-cons wanted to create an American empire, one of the things on their "to-do" list should have been the installation of puppet governments. The British knew how to do that, so did the Soviets. But here, their hand-picked puppet has realized that he has his own army, his own revenue stream and he isn't going to need the Bushies for long.
So we can add "empire creation" to the ever-lengthening list that is titled "the Failures of George W. Bush."
Monday, August 25, 2008
Cakes for George Bush
This one should be sent to him by the RNC:

And this one is from the entire country. All 300 million of us:

Thank You, Captain Obvious
(Or Captain Oblivious. Take your pick.)
When has reaching a peace deal in the Middle East not been difficult? The other problem is that, far from being an honest broker, the Bush Administration is conducting these negotiations like a realtor who is watching a large commission evaporate.
McCain's Vice-President Announcement

(H/T to Needlenose and the Alternate Brain)
Wow. Like This is a Shock.
The electronic voting machines are pieces of shit that cannot be trusted to accurately count votes. Which is why Republicans love them. I guess when the president of Diebold (a maker of electronic voting machines) promised to deliver Ohio for Bush in `04, he meant every word.
MacGyver Cat
When I was petting his head, he pulled back briefly, licked my palm three or four times, and then let me continue petting him. That cycle repeated about three times.
I first thought he was being affectionate, but then I realized what he was doing: Jake was using my hand to wash his head.
Smart cat.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
What the Russians May Regret
President Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia said Sunday that he planned to rebuild his country's shattered army, and that even after its decisive defeat in the war for control of one of Georgia's two separatist enclaves he would continue to pursue a policy of uniting both under the Georgian flag. "It will stay the same," he said of his ambition to bring the enclaves, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, under Georgian control. "Now as ever."
The Russians are right: This guy is somewhere between delusional and insane. Note also in the article that Saakashvili brags of talking personally to John McCain twice a day. If that is the truth, then John McCain is as much a crackpot as is Saakashvili.
You want more proof that Saakashvili is a mental case? Try these quotes from the same article:
"We had a choice here," he said. "We could turn this country into Chechnya — we had enough people and equipment to do that — or we had to do nothing and stay a modern European country."
He added: "Eventually we would have chased them away, but we would have had to go to the mountains and grow beards. That would have been a tremendous national philosophical and emotional burden."
Beyond that, note that his model for an alternative conflict is Chechnya. Maybe he should have checked with the Chechens to see how well that has worked for them. (It hasn't.)
Danger Time
But for now, I have to keep an eye on it, lest George jump up onto the counter and start licking it. The skin of the bird is the "Anti-George Tongue Shield."
Why the FBI Cannot Be Permitted Expanded Powers to Initiate Investigations
This is an example of why it is a bad idea. The FBI spent years investigating one guy because the dumb fucks at the Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command suspected him of espionage.
What were the indications? He carried a backpack instead of a briefcase. (Yes, that is one thing the Army morons complained about.) He spoke Hebrew (one of the reasons he was both hired and suspicioned) and, worst of all, he was an observant Jew.
For those reasons, the FBI raided his home, on the Sabbath, no less. For those reasons, some witch-doctor of a polygraph examiner started screaming at him: "I've done other Jews before and gotten them to confess, and I'll get you, too." For those reasons, the management at the TACOM referred to him, in writing, as "the little Jewish spy."
And Mukasey wants to loosen the reins on the FBI?
No fucking way, Alberto.
(H/T to the Political Cat)
Breaking the Surly Bonds
I flew this weekend, though. The weather was good where I departed and where I arrived, but in between, there was a low cloud deck.
The river of fog:
Having an airport in a river valley can make for some annoying times, when it is good VFR elsewhere. Keene, NH is notorious for that (this is not Keene).
The Conversation Joe Biden Needs to Have With Barack Obama
I have a fear, whether unfounded or not, that there are elements within the Obama Campaign that truly believe that if they run a high-minded campaign, that they will win.
They are so terribly wrong. If anybody is beatable in an election, it is John McCain, but he will not be beaten if Obama's campaign refuses to fight.
This is what Republicans say; these words were spoken by Republican Rep. Terry Everett of Alabama about John Murtha:
“And don’t talk to me about him being an ex-Marine. Lord, that was 40 years ago. A lot of stuff can happen in 40 years. Thank you for your service as being an ex-Marine, but that doesn’t mean you’re (not) an idiot, and he is,” Everett said of Murtha.
Look what the GOP did to Max Cleland in 2002: They directly attacked his wartime service. Cleland came home from Vietnam a triple-amputee, but that didn't deter the GOP smear machine.
That is how low they are going and in those words of Everett, is all the license that Obama needs to start ignoring the fact that McCain got out of the Hanoi Hilton 35 years ago. McCain has used his "I wuz a POW" line to cover up all of his misdeeds, from cheating on his first wife to persuading the Federal government to let a crook bring on the S&L crisis in the `80s to having a paid agent of a foreign government influence his campaign. (What, you thought it was an accident that John McCain is parroting the propaganda line of the Georgian government?)
Ask yourself what questions would be asked by the major newspapers if Barack Obama had a lobbyist for a foreign government as the national security expert of his campaign. Ask yourself what the stories would be like if it came out that Obama had cheated on his wife ten years ago.
They'd be all over him like a cheap suit. But not McCain, because he was a POW.
Ask yourself why Republicans get treated with kid gloves because they were in a war and Democrats do not. Ask yourself why Republicans demand that we treat their veterans with hands-off deference and why Republicans feel free to smear Democratic veterans.
And then ask yourself why the national press buys into this claptrap.
This election contest is going to be played by Chicago Rules and the sooner that the Obama Campaign absorbs that reality, the better.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
"In the Event of an Earthquake, Take Refuge at the Nuclear Plant"
I'm not an anti-nuke plant activist, but even that seems a bit much.
Tweedledum and Tweedledummer On Tour
No surprise here: Both of those fools have swallowed the Georgian propaganda, hook, line, and sinker. It is pretty much undisputed that Georgia started the war by rocketing Tskhinvali, but that doesn't matter worth a shit to either Graham and Lieberman.
Here he is doing one of his favorite activities: licking a dripping faucet. The water is very hard here and faucets tend to start dripping over time. He loves that. If you look closely, you can see water droplets flying.
He also likes going for rides in an empty laundry basket. I pick up the basket and carry him all around the apartment, so he can see things from a higher perspective.
George is fascinated by the operation of a toilet. When I flush, if he is nearby, he will run in so that he can watch the stuff swirl down. He doesn't reach for it (that'd be too disgusting), but he will cock and bob his head as he watches the toilet empty itself. Once it finishes, he walks away.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Georgia & China
I'll bet that China is not at all amused. So I have to wonder what China may do to show its displeasure.
Republican Copycats
In 1992 and 1996, the Republicans furiously attacked Bill Clinton for having dodged the draft. In 2000 and 2004, the Republican candidate was a draft-dodger; as anyone who lived through the Vietnam War knows full well that during that war, the National Guard was a place for the sons of the well-connected and rich to hide out from having to participate in the war.
In 2004, Republicans attacked John Kerry for marrying into money and for having a lot of houses. Marrying into money is exactly what John McCain did (even though he was still married to Carol McCain when he married Cindy). McCain has eight houses, more than he can keep track of.
So, the Surge is Working
The Shiite government in Iraq is trying to undo that. They are arresting key Sunni tribal leaders. They have vowed that the soldiers in the Sons of Iraq will not get jobs with the Iraqi security forces.
Care to place your bets as to when it all falls apart?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Yet Another Sign the Bush Admininstration is Full of Idiots
Besides the Russians' holding the high ground in the moral department (as in the Bush Administration's hypocrisy has rarely been both so vast and so obvious on this issue), it is now starting to penetrate the thick skulls and the dim bulbs of the Bush White House that this time, they do not hold all the cards. In fact, as a lot of us non-Bush bloggers have been pointing out for the last several days, if we get into a game of "fuck me? Well, fuck you" with the Russians, they have a pretty good hand to play.
This is the time where we really need objective, sober analysis and careful, deliberate thought from our government.
Which is precisely what we are not going to get from either George Bush or John McCain.
Noun, Verb, "Prisoner of War," Subject
What does that have to do with anything? Is that going to be his generic comment on every issue?
I can see it now. So let's look at what McCain could say on a variety of issues:
Mass Transit: "I wasn't permitted to ride a subway when I was a prisoner of war."
Gun Control: "They didn't let prisoners of war have guns."
Obesity: "You were certain to lose weight if you were, as I was, a prisoner of war."
Climate Change: "I didn't concern myself with climate change when I was a prisoner of war for over five years."
Health Care: "I experienced socialized medicine when I was a prisoner of war."
So, that is all he has in his intellectual arsenal? McCain is starting to appear as just another George Bush, only even more retarded.
"Only Surrender Monkeys Support Timetables in Iraq"
So how come Condi Rice is in the Green Zone to work on negotiating a deal that includes timetables for the withdrawal of American troops?
When Maps Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Maps
Somebody tell Garmin that their GPS sets are nothing more than terrorist tools....
You Know You Are Rich When...
John McCain, for example, has no clue as to how many houses he owns.
I am sure he has a great appreciation for the lives of 90% of the American people. Just like his patron and role model, George W. Bush.
A Bad Idea, or "Kiss Your Freedom Goodbye"
Think about that. They will not have to suspect you of anything to investigate you. The logical consequence of that is that if you have a funny last name or come to some snitch's attention because of your political beliefs, you will be investigated by the FBI.
(And for those of you on the Right who think this is a good idea, care to bet that the FBI won't consider people who own a lot of guns to be a threat?)
If you think this is "tinfoil hat" thinking, you only need to read back into the FBI's history and the private files that were kept by its director on political enemies. You need only look at the investigation by the FBI on those who opposed the Vietnam War.
If you want to see how this really works, in practice, when the security organizations have carte blanche to investigate whoever they damn well choose, go look at what transpired in East Germany and Poland. In East Germany, in particular, the internal security people had millions of files and almost as many informants. They were masters at using subtle coercion to get people to spy on their neighbors and their families.
It can happen here. And it has a chance of happening if we let the FBI do this.
Gas Prices
There is a history of this. Look at this chart and check the prices for 2006. In the summer of 2006, everyone was talking about the price of gas. But then, around July, the price of gas started to slide and it kept going down until the second week of November, when it bottomed out and then started to rise.
That did not happen in 2007. There were no Federal elections that year.
It's happening again.
And the pundits and the American people are just as stupid (or afflicted with short-term memory problems) as the oil companies and the oil exporters think we are.
Suuurree They Lost Those Emails
Yeah. I really buy that they just somehow lost those emails. And now I'm going to take my .30-06 and hunt down a unicorn.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
A Bad Idea On So Many Levels
Here is why they should be shot:
The rationale for such a weapon system is that it would enable the U.S. to hit almost anywhere on the globe within a very short timespan. The problem is that say such a launch is ordered. Before the launch, every other nuclear power that is close to the flight path of such a missile has to be notified and that other nuclear power has to have enough time to get the word out to its command and control system that the launch is occurring.
For if that word does not get out, then what the other nuclear powers will see is a missile coming out of nowhere and arcing towards them. They will immediately put their nuclear forces on high alert, for what they fear is a "decapitation strike," a single shot aimed at taking out their command authority, leaving their nation leaderless and ripe for the taking. It is by no means inconceivable that, not knowing where the missile is coming from, that they may decide to get their licks in at their primary enemy.
If you were the leader of a nation and your radar system had detected an incoming ICBM (or several of them), would you wait for it to impact to see what kind of boom it made before you ordered a retaliatory strike?
So if a submarine launches a SLBM at, say, the tribal areas in Pakistan, the Pakistanis may see the missile on their early warning radars and fire a few nuclear shots at India, for Inida has SLBMs under development. Or the Indians may see a missile coming out of the Indian Ocean and think that the Pakistanis launched it from some disguised merchant ship. Either way, a nuclear war gets triggered on the Indian Subcontinent.
Another problem is that if other nations start fearing the possibility of a U.S. SLBM or ICBM attack, they will start building anti-ICBM radar stations and installing ABM systems, which presumably the Russians will be only too happy to sell to them. At a time when the world is facing the wrenching dislocations that will occurr from global climate change, triggering another arms race is a pretty stupid idea.
The worst case scenario is that the missile launch is seen as a threat by China or Russia. One good guess who they are going to suspect. If the word does not get out to them in time, the only way they will know for certain if the missile is a conventional one or a nuclear attack is to wait for it to go off; I doubt very much that if the situation were reversed, that we would wait to see what kind of "boom" the warhead will make.
This is a very bad idea, brought forth by a bunch of bureaucrats in the strategic weapons community who are desperate to remain relevant in the battle for the defense budget. In order to keep their rice bowls full, they will cheerfully sacrifice the national interest of this nation and they will happily raise the risk of a nuclear war breaking out with somebody.
The people who dreamed up this idea need to be stood up against a wall and shot.
See If Your Head Explodes
But now that Russia has taken that step (freezing all military ties with NATO), the Bush Administration calls that "unfortunate."
The mind boggles.
Totally Stupid Agency
Don't you feel safer, now, knowing that those Federal versions of Inspector Clouseau are on the job?
Dumbass Motherfuckering Moralists
No fucking shit. A decent respect for history would have told you clowns that. (You do have history departments at your schools, right?)
You can raise the drinking age, enact draconian laws, speak at meetings to say how evil Old Demon Rum is and all that and you cannot stop people from drinking. You will never stop people from drinking. Whether it was the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of a century ago or the Mothers Against Drunk Driving (which has morphed into a "no drinking, no place, no time" group), you folks are fighting a lost cause. You can make it harder to drink, but people will drink.
I do not know a single person who waited until the legal drinking age to start consuming alcohol. Not a single fucking person. If you know of anyone who did so for any reason other than religious prohibitions, let me know.
What He Said!
"Is John McCain being hypocritical to condemn Russia for invading Georgia when he voted to invade Iraq?" -- Jack Cafferty
While that is very close to a "no shit, Sherlock" question, at least somebody in what passes to the MSM is asking the question.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The "Lack of Self-Awareness Games" Will Run Out of Medals
"Russia is a state that is unfortunately using the one tool that it has always used whenever it wishes to deliver a message and that's its military power," Rice told reporters en route to an emergency meeting of NATO foreign ministers set for Tuesday. "That's not the way to deal in the 21st century."
What century is the Bush Administration operating in, the 19th? Between their all-to-frequent resort to threatening military force and using it on occasion, the only tool that the Bush Administration has repeatedly used to get its way has been the threat of force.
Look in the mirror, Madam Secretary. Everything you have been saying about Russia applies to you.
The rest of the world knows that.
It is a shame that you seem to be so oblivious to it.
The Perfect Simile for the Russo-Georgian War
On the ground in Georgia, about 25 miles outside the capital along the main highway, four Russian armored personnel carriers passed a Russian checkpoint at the village of Igoeti on Monday and headed in the other direction, toward Tbilisi. Soldiers were piled on top, cradling Kalashnikov rifles.
As they drove by, one old man, Koba Gurnashvili, stepped into the road and yelled at them, "Where do you think you're going!" One of the soldiers yelled back, "To Tbilisi."
But they did not, instead turning up a side road leading to a village near the border with South Ossetia. They stopped at an intersection blocked by Georgian police cars.
The Russian commander climbed off his tank and began arguing with the Georgian police officers. He said he had orders to move up the road; a Georgian officer said he had orders to remain on the road, and asked to call his superiors for guidance. The Russian said, "You have three minutes to move your cars."
The two argued for a few minutes more. Then the police officers stepped away from their cars, stone-faced, with their keys. The tank smashed aside the cars and kept going.
You have to be a near-fatal blend of stupid and stubborn to think, in such a situation, that a tank commander is not going to have any qualms about squishing your car. But that is what the Georgians have been since they started their moronic war: Stupid and stubborn.UPDATE: Watch the video. It is in Georgian, but apparently the Russian commander is trying to get the Georgians to move their fuzzmobiles. The Georgians locked the cars and refused to move them. The Russians just shoved two of them out of the way with their BMPs.
Batten Down the Economic Hatches!
Meanwhile, new home starts are at their lowest in 17 years and inflation, as measured by wholesale prices, is at its highest in 27 years.
Nice job, Dubya.
But McCain thinks everything is peachy and that the economic policies ("policies" being a synonym for "the vomit of a drunken imbecile") of the Bush Administration do not need to be changed.
Don't Drop the Ball
I think that one of the problems in Georgia is that the neo-cons are looking at the wrong analogies. They keep babbling on about the Sudetenland and Hungary `56 and Czechoslovakia `68 as analogies for the Russo-Georgian conflict.
First off, they ought to stop talking about Czechoslovakia, for every time they do, McCain gets confused. He thinks that country still exists.
Second, the analogy is flawed. The more fitting analogy is 1919, for the Georgians started a war and they lost. Now, just like the Germans did after the Treaty of Versailles, the Georgians, especially that Bush-grade idiot Saakashvili, are running their mouths about no, they didn't lose the war, they were betrayed by outside and sinister forces.
One BBC video here.
A second one:
(I have no idea if that second video is accurate, it is a YouTube video and could have been faked.)
The most accurate comment was made on Pravda: "US President Bush does not even think to stop making ridiculous statements regarding the conflict."
They could have really nailed the truth of Bush by leaving off the words "regarding the conflict."
Monday, August 18, 2008
Blackwater -- Peacekeepers for Hire
So, if your definition of "peace" includes "heavily armed thugs machine-gunning civilians for sport," or their lesser sport, the "throwing frozen water bottles at children" event, give those smiling mercenaries a call. They just might not bother to shoot you.
Paging Harry Reid! Paging Nancy Pelosi!
After a diligent search around the Internets, two of the missing parts have been found.
Your spine:

And your guts:

Try not to misplace them, again.
Got Raped? Go Directly to Jail!
So where is the enlightened democracy that was supposed to bloom in Afghanistan? These are the people that we are sweating blood and treasure to free from oppression?
As Usual, Somebody Is Lying
The Turkish government says that nobody has asked them.
Given a dispute in facts such as that, I will presume it is the Bush Administration that is lying.
What I Fear
And when those revelations come, as they inevitably will, Gentle Reader, if you are an American citizen, you are going to have to look at yourself in the mirror and wonder how Americans could do such evil things. If you are a British subject, you are going to have to ask yourself why Englishmen so willingly connived and cooperated with such conduct.
Opposed to Gay Marriage?
Are you going to dump your husband or step out on your wife because Ellen DeGeneres got married to Portia di Rossi? Are going to start drinking heavily and/or take up crystal meth? Run off to join al Qaeda?
Or are you just the sort of pimply-faced, halitosis-breathed, repulsive, arrogant bastard who fears that every woman on the planet would rather marry another woman then be seen with you?
What, other than the vague "this is the end of civilization" screeds, comes to mind?
Why are you opposed to two adults marrying each other?
Our Deaf President
"We have probably failed to understand that the Russians are really quite serious when they say, 'We have interests and we're going to defend them,' " said James Collins, United States ambassador to Russia from 1997 to 2001. "Russia does have interests, and at some point they're going to stand up and draw lines that are not simply to be ignored."
Like all that is a shock. George Bush is an ignoramus. Richard Cheney is an unrepentant ideologue. What happened in Georgia was entirely foreseeable by any sober and objective adult who was paying attention. There were such people in our government, but Chimpy and Vlad the Torturer do not pay attention to them.
Georgia is led by an impulsive hothead who rigs elections, which makes him sort of a cross between Chimpy and the Wrinkly White-Haired Guy. The outcome was almost self-evident, given the clear statements of the Russians and the toxic combination of arrogance and ignorance that is the Bush Administration.
And we are all being ill-served by our own government, for only a fool would trust the statements coming out of Washington as to what the current situation is in Georgia, or anywhere else, for that matter. This Administration, more than most, has demonstrated that it will blatantly lie to the American people whenever they feel the urge. Too many of the "national security" reporters for the larger outfits will just parrot those lies, for otherwise, they run the risk of losing their access to sources at Ft. Fumble.
If you want to know what is truly going on, you are going to have to invest the time to learn the nuances of a situation and read a lot of different publications. It shouldn't have to be that way; our own press should be doing this sort of heavy lifting, that's supposedly their job. But it is clear that sort of detailed analysis is not going to be available until the books come out, months or years later.
Guess Which Word in this Headline I'd Like to Change
Musharraf announces his resignation
Just one little word. Is that too much to ask?Sunday, August 17, 2008
Day Off
From Cranky Epistles, come a link to this obit. (Seems to be broken, now.)
You can read how the Republicans are gearing up to steal yet another election.
Or you can see what my co-conspirators are up to.
UPDATE: Here's the obit.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The Silver Medal Winner in the "Lack of Self-Awareness Olympics" Goes to
At the end, perhaps the only thing Russia will have proved is that "they can use their overwhelming regional military power to beat up on a small neighbor," she said.
Just like at the end of the day, the only thing that the U.S. will have proved in Iraq is that we can use our global military power to beat up on a distant nation that posed no real threat (notwithstanding that the lack of a threat which was known to the Bush Administration before they began the war).
Almost forgot about this:
"Freedom of Speech" is Often Not Free at All
(H/T to Get the Flick)
You Know He's Lying, His Lips are Moving
The big lie there is that the Administration has not yet found an "unwarranted encroachment on civil liberties." Every encroachment by the Bush Administration has, to their minds, been warranted. Tap your phones, read your email, track your Internet usage, read your bank statements, monitor your credit cards, watch what you take out from the library or what videos you rent, imprison you without trial, and torture you, all of those have been "warranted" to those ardent defenders of civil liberties who work out of Darth Cheney's offices.
The FBI, the Department of Defense and local police have been spying on political dissidents. The DoD was monitoring the Quakers because they thought they posed a "terrorist threat." This is not ancient history, this is what has been going on under Dorquemada's "Great War on Terror."
There is no concern by any of those police and military agencies for civil rights. Fratto had to have peed his pants in silent laughter when he espoused the concern of the Bush Administration for your civil liberties. If you are a public critic of the Bush Administration, if you are an activist with any civil liberties or human rights organization, or if you have a Muslim-sounding name, you would do well to consider that everything you do is being monitored by one law enforcement agency or another.
Back in Time
The nation with the troublesome province was Mexico. The province was Texas.
So one has to wonder why, 170 years or so later, a self-proclaimed son of Texas winds up so fervently backing the rough equivalent of Santa Ana and the Mexican Army?
It saves a lot of muss and fuss. A little laundry pre-treatment, into the wash and it's good to go.
Maaaaa! I'm bbbooooorrrrrreeeeedddddd!
This was the bed of a friend's cat. He's passed on and now I have the bed. Both George and Jake love it. Gracie, not so much.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Here's a Simple Fact of Life
“We will rebuild,” [Georgian president] Saakashvili said. “We want them out. I want the world to know, never, ever will Georgia reconcile with occupation of even one square kilometer of its sovereign territory. Never, ever.”What a George-Bush-level fucking imbecile.
Saakashvili tried to pull a shitty; he thought that while Vladimir Putin was in Beijing, that he could send the Georgian Army into South Ossetia, preceded by a little "shock and awe" from a few batteries of Katyusha rocket launchers, and conquer the area. It was worse than that, for the Georgian Army attacked just hours after an agreement had been reached between Georgia and Russia for another round of negotiations about South Ossetia.
(Yes, that's a pretty raw shitty, all right. We were not too forgiving when the Japanese launched an attack on us during negotiations. Guess Saakashvili forgot about that little bit of history.)
But Georgia's gamble didn't work, the forces in place, both Russian peacekeepers and Ossetian militia, stood their ground long enough until a Russian motorized rifle division or two could show up and, in combination with the Russian Air Force, kick the Georgian Army all the way back to Tbilisi.
Georgia spent a lot of money on weapons. Fat lot of good it did them: "The Georgian forces had good equipment," [a Russian sergeant] said. "But it wasn't enough. In the end, it was just like they had toys."
Saakashvili was a day or so away from having to sign a carte blanche surrender, so now he makes noises as though he is the victor?
If the Georgian people have any sense, once they come out of their stupor and see what Saakashvili's monumental stupidity has brought them, they will turn him into a wind chime. But I do not think they have that much sense.
One thing is certain: The Russian belief that "you can never trust a Georgian" has been reinforced with steel rebar. I doubt very much if they will ever leave South Ossetia.
And NATO would be utter fools to let Georgia into NATO.
The Gold Medal Winner in the "Lack of Self-Awareness Olympics" Goes to
"Bullying and intimidation are not acceptable ways to conduct foreign policy in the 21st century."
Ah, yep. This from the cartoon-cutout of a president who has had no trouble threatening myriad nations with everything from blockades and aerial bombardment to full-blown invasions now says that such things are "not acceptable." Unless he's the one doing it, I gather.
News for the Clueless; Georgian Edition
Pentagon officials told McClatchy that they were increasingly dubious that any U.S. Navy vessels would join the aid operation, in large part because the U.S.-based hospital ships likely to go, the USNS Comfort and the USNS Mercy, would take weeks to arrive. "The president was writing checks to the Georgians without knowing what he had in the bank," said a senior administration official. "The president got out in front of the planning when he talked publicly about using naval forces," said a second senior administration official.
Wow. Now there is a surprise. Not that Bush is an idiot, we all knew that, but that there are people in his own administration that are tacitly saying as much.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
What This Guy Said!
Yeah, it makes you just want to all tear up and cry over their new-found concern for the rule of law, doesn't it?
Funny, though, how in this country, the Bush/Cheney/Neo-con double standard is only being addressed by the editorial cartoonists and the bloggers. You don't hear of any reporter asking Bush or Cheney or Gates or Rice or any of the neo-con skells: "How come it was OK for the USA to invade Iraq and Grenada and Panama to effectuate regime change, but it's now suddenly not OK for Russia to do the same thing? How come it was OK for the USA to bomb Serbia into accepting the dismemberment of its country but it is not OK for Russia to attack Georgia for the same reason?"
You do not have to be a Russophile to see this. You only have to not be an utter hypocrite.
(H/T to the Alternate Brain)
The One Good Thing About John Edward's Affair
What was that about "family values?"
That's No Stinking DC-3

This is supposedly the only airworthy one left.
Gitmo Comes to Denver
I guess if you have to relieve yourself, you just shit and/or piss on the floor and if you are sleepy, you can just lie down in your puddles of piss and/or shit. They'll probably just throw a layer of sand on the floor and make it look like a stockyard's holding pen.
Well, at least the Denver Gestapo is operating at one level of humanity above that of the New York Police Department, for the NYPD just held people for days on end in open-air pens located on a pier on the Hudson River.
(H/T to Outta The Cornfield)