The FBI is going to get back in the business of investigating people who are not suspected of doing anything wrong.
They used to do this back during the Red Scare. The FBI investigated people for no damn reason and one of the reasons why J. Edgar Hoover hung on in the job for fifty years was that he investigated all politicians and used what he found to disable his political enemies. That is why the FBI was wiretapping civil rights leaders in the 1960s.
And they are going to do that again.
Anybody who thinks that this will not go horribly wrong is delusional. You need only look at the FBI's abuse of National Security Letters to see that given any tool that allows for discretion, that the FBI will trample all over it.
The Formula For Angry Workers
2 hours ago
But these new powers will only be used against terrorists, I'm sure.
BWHAHAHAH! I crack myself up sometimes, heh.
-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
Yeah, yer a regular laugh riot. Sort of like the very first time the Feebs used their expanded powers under the USA-FASCISM act, they were not investigating terrorists.
Sometimes ya gotta laugh because the alternative is screaming impotently in rage while slamming your head against the wall...
- Badtux the Snarky-for-a-reason Penguin
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