I said here, ten months ago, that if they caved on telecom immunity, that I'd not give the party another fucking nickel.
I meant every word.
Fuck them. Fuck all of them. Fuck their staffs. The Republicans take a meat-ax to the Constitution because they, deep down in their blasted and twisted souls, they really do not like the idea of "we, the people." In what passes for their heart-of-hearts, the Republicans are royalists who think that the big error of 1789 was not putting in a system where only the uber-rich could vote. Republicans probably regard George Washington as the biggest class-traitor that ever was.
Democrats, on the other hand, do nothing to stop the GOP axe-murderers because they are scared to.
At the end of the day, there is little difference between the two parties, for it's democracy and the Constitution that take it in the neck.
As do the rest of us.
So no, not another fucking nickel for the DNC.
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