For the "terrorist fist jab" crack, the moron uttering it had to first apologize and then Fox took her off the air and put her to work in an "undefined capacity" (probably researching more ways to subtly make racist comments).
For the "baby momma" insult, Fox News said they used "poor judgment."
(If you don't understand why the latter comment was offensive, I refer to you to Jack & Jill, Angry Black Bitch, and the field negro blogs on this.)
It's not "poor judgment," Gentle Reader. It is a pattern and practice at Fox News and yes, in the GOP.
I'll quote from field here:
"Do you think Cindy McCain, a woman who slept with a married man while his wife lay paralyzed could have ever been vilified and disrespected that way? Not in your life-time or mine. It would never happen, because Cindy McCain belongs to that class in A-merry-ca that you don't fuck with. That kind of disrespect and ignorance even by so called main stream media folks is reserved for the black wife, not the white one."
And then there is Pat Buchanan, who called Obama "exotic," which is Buchanan-speak for "nigger."
Yes, I am dropping the "N-bomb" with deliberate intent. Let's be honest about this, folks. The Right is already running a race-baiting campaign. That is the only weapon they have right now.
They can't run on fiscal prudence, not with George Bush adding 40% to the national debt in eight years. It took over 200 years for the national debt to creep up to a trillion dollars; under the rule of three so-called "conservatives," the Republicans increased the national debt almost ten-fold.
McCain can't run on fiscal prudence; he and his wife have nearly a quarter-million dollars of credit card debt, which is a perfect parallel to the way Bush has not paid for the Iraq War. Note that the Obamas, by contrast, have saved almost that much so far to pay for the education of their two children.
They can't run on national security, not with 80% of the population turning against Bush's Wars. They can't run on competence, not with having inflicted the TSA and the "heckuvajobs" at FEMA ("home of the Toxic Trailers") on the nation, not to mention the tens of billions of dollars in cash that have gone missing in Iraq. They can't run on shrinking the size of government.
All the GOP and their fellow-travelers on the Right have left is fear-mongering. The oldest forms of fear-mongering are xenophobia and its cousin, racism.
The GOP and Fox New might as well adopt this symbol for the 2008 campaign:

For that is exactly what their campaign platform really is.
Actually, the racism's on the left, if you ask me.
I do not deny that there are racists on the Left. But if you are trying to deny that the Right is rife with racism, then you are seriously delusional.
Richard Nixon's "Southern strategy" was nothing more than a coded appeal to racism. Ronald Reagan's kicking off his 1980 campaign in Philadelphia with a speech about states's rights was a coded message to the racists.
The "Willie Horton" ad run by GHW Bush's campaign was nothing more than a "the nigras are coming to get you" message.
The "voter ID" and "vote caging" strategies of the GOP are nothing more than attempts to keep minorities and poor people from voting.
I can go on and on, and I know of other readers of this blog who are a lot more conversant with the coded racist messages of the GOP than I am.
If you are denying that the GOP is going to run and is, in fact, running a campaign based on racism, then you might as well deny the existence of gravity. For without racism, they have nothing left in their quiver.
D. Doogleass loves Amerika the way it is. Good post and rebuttal comment.
Thanks for the plane post and will pay better attention.
For the Donald Douglases of the world white is best, and it's only, well, right, for white to be on top, and if you say different you're anti-white and thereby racist.
They're some sick-ass bigotted motherfuckers who get sick at the very thought of black people having equal rights, in other words. In the meantime, this penguin is consistently amused by the fact that two-legged monkeys care about skin color. Every penguin knows that it is the color of your plumage, not the color of your skin, that counts.
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
When I wrote: "Ronald Reagan's kicking off his 1980 campaign in Philadelphia," I should have made it clear that it was the one in Mississippi, where they murdered civil rights workers, not the one in Pennsylvania.
One Fly, another aircraft post will be up very soon, now.
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