Here is a tip that somebody ought to pass along to the Tsar of the Baboons:
When you lock up and mistreat innocent people, they may not have hated you before. But while they are being tortured and imprisoned by your goons, after they are released, they will hate you.
You make no friends by locking up the wrong people. In fact, by doing so, you become the best recruiter that the terrorists will ever have: "You know Achmed the Goat Farmer, over in the next village. Nice guy, pious, never hurt anyone, never had an unkind word for anyone. The Americans took him away to their secret prison five years ago and nobody knows what happened to him. This can happen to you and your families, my brothers. Join us and, God willing, we will rid our land of them."
That sort of pitch is probably being made on a daily basis throughout Afghanistan and Iraq.
You make no friends by abusing people. George Washington knew that. George Bush doesn't.
We have lost the moral high ground in this war. We surrendered it without a fight. To much of the world, we are the bad guys. The blame for that can be laid at the feet of George Bush.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
24 minutes ago
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