Either he is retarded or he is a complete and utter fraud.
Dorquemada thinks that drilling for oil off the coasts is the cure for high oil prices.
Passing over the part that it was his Dad who was involved in banning drilling for oil off the coasts and it was his brother who was vociferous in not drilling anywhere near Florida, drilling for oil off the coasts will do nothing for gasoline prices.
First off, they need to update the exploration. Then they have to build new drilling rigs. They have to build the pipelines from the producing rigs to the shore. They have to build either transfer stations from the pipelines' terminals to either tankers to carry the crude and they have to build and crew the tankers or they have to build pipelines to transport it to refineries. They have to train the crews for the new rigs.
Then there is the issue of refinery capacity. The oil companies bought out and then tore down most of the independent smaller refineries in the late 1980s and into the 1990s when fuel was to cheap for them to make a profit. Basically, for most of the last 20 or so years, the focus of the oil industry was to reduce refinery capacity, not to expand it.
But Dorquemada is pretending that all that can be done within a matter of a few weeks or months.
He is either too stupid to feed himself or he is lying. (Not that the two options are mutually exclusive.) In signing onto Der Monkey Fuhrer's energy policy, the GOP is one again demonstrating that they are the willing slaves of Chimperor Disgustus.
And John McCain is proving, once again, that he is really John McBush.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
23 minutes ago
1 comment:
Actually, refinery capacity today is higher than it has ever been. Yes, there are fewer refineries. But they are *bigger* refineries. And they're running at only 86% capacity right now, because (duh) people can't afford gas.
But the core problem is that we've already explored and pumped to a fare-thee-well 95% of the Continental U.S. and adjoining continental shelf over the past 100 years. At most we can get another 5 years of oil out of the remaining 5% left to explore and pump. We ain't gonna drill our way out of this by drilling offshore and on the North Slope, there just isn't enough oil there for that. That's just reality. Which, I realize, is a subject that Rethugs ain't fond of, but (shrug)...
-- Badtux the Numbers Penguin
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