I did not see that coming.
But we're going to have to wait until 2009 for the final episodes, apparently.
That is a real motherfraker.
UPDATE: The Science of BSG has some thoughts about why what seems to be on the show may not be that in fact. But if you are a BSG fan and you didn't see last Friday's episode yet, do not click on that link! Or, for that matter, don't read the comments to this post.
UPDATE II: What I said about "not clicking on this link if you haven't seen the show" goes fraking double for this excellent analysis of the episode. It seems I'm by far not the only one who wants to make time fly until `09, and not because we don't want to have to live through this fraking preznitdenshul campaign.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
Total kick in the happy sacks.
Not that you have a happy sack, of course, but ... er... yeah.
When they arrive on Earth and are all standing around looking at the desolation and devastation, it completely reminded me of the animated movie Madagascar. You know, when the psychotic penguins **finally** make it to Antarctica - what they envisioned as a natural paradise - and are standing there in the midst of a horrendous blizzard.
After a minute or so, Skipper turns to the rest of them and says "Well...this sucks!"
When Adama was picking up that handful of radioactive dirt, I was half-expecting to see a few penguins standing around, scratching their asses.
And behind them would be Charlton Heston, on his knees in some ragged knickers, screaming, "You maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God...damn you all to hell!"
I had thought it would go the other way, that they'd have arrived on Earth at about 15,000 BCE. I thought there would be no advanced civilization, probably because in the old shows, when Galactica arrived in 1980, the show jumped the shark.
I was waiting for somebody to mutter: "Frak, they blew it up," but that might have been too campy.
it wouldnt make sense that if it was 15,000 BC because the 13th tribe came from Kobol to Earth so the people there would be capable of long distance space travel... i dont think earth was anything like the earth that we know today
Coolshoes, the 13th tribe might have lost their technology after arriving.
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