This is an article about how the war in Iraq stripped vital resources from Afghanistan when there was an opportunity to deal a very hard blow against al Qaeda. That was a very high-level decision on the Bush Administration and, as a result, al Qaeda has even more fighters in its camps now than they did in 2001.
Lieberman expects that there will be a terrorist attack next year. What he did not address was what the fuck the Bush Administration has been doing for the last seven years about it. While the dust was still settling after the 2001 attacks, the Republicans wasted no time blaming Clinton for the attacks. Bush has launched two ineffective wars to try and defeat terrorism (his take on it, not mine) that have resulted in an end cost of well over two trillion dollars, cost the lives of somewhere around 5,000 Americans (if you add in the contractors), maimed tens of thousands more, killed over 100,000 civilians and displaced millions.
For all of that cost, the benefits to American security have been negligible at best, and counter-productive at worst.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
11 minutes ago
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