This blog has been hit four times in the last three days by spammers, who have posted their shitty-ass spam as comments.
What I would like to do is hunt their sorry asses down and mount their heads on pikes, to be pecked at by crows, as a warning to all other spammers, but the law unjustly frowns on such things.
So I have had to compromise: I am enabling comment moderation. So your comments will not show up until I drag my dead ass to the computer and check them. I am sorry for the inconvenience, I do like to encourage free discussion, but I will not permit this blog to be used as a forum for spreading spam.
If you are a spammer, fuck you and fuck your horse. I most sincerely hope that you get fired, that the transmission of your car explodes either in heavy traffic or on a remote rural road, that the Feds throw you in prison for spamming, that you will soon die a long, agonizing death and that your blasted soul will then forever reside in the deepest pits of Hell. Have a nice day.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
53,000+ for me in the past 18 months.
It just chaps my ass. When it was one or two a month, no biggie, but it's getting to a daily thing and I can feel the deluge coming.
Turning off anonymous posting usually gets rid of the spammers for me. I haven't had to turn on moderation. Yet.
- Badtux the Often-spammed Penguin
PS - when Moscow's "King of Spam" got murdered, people world-wide celebrated. Finally, a solution to the spam problem! Alas, it wasn't State Security pissed off over getting spammed, it was just some garden-variety pimps taking it out on the spammer 'cause he didn't pay their woman. Why does it not surprise me that the only way a spammer can get a woman is to pay her?!
- Badtux the Much-spammed Penguin
Badtux, I shut off anonymous comments months ago. It helped for awhile.
It really took me by surprise. I mean, I still don't have one tenth of the total hits either one of ya do, I just now passed five thousand hits after two years. The thing is, I think I had maybe three, count 'em, three Spam hits when I was at Blogger for a year and a half. As soon as I went with Wordpress, it started, with a vengeance. Right now, it is a neck and neck race between the total number of comments on my Blog and the amount of Spammers the built in Spam Catcher has snagged.
That is Fucked Up.
I get a lot of hits from people looking for photos. I don't think most folks coming by have any idea what they're going to see when they get here. A few stick around, though.
Nucks, now you know why I leave my blog on Blogger. Five years ago I had my blog on one of the predecessors to Wordpress (Wordpress did not exist back then) and got spammed to a fare-thee-well even back then, which is when I said "f*** this" and shut it down. Just too big a PITA dealing with it. Blogger seems to catch 99.9% of the comment spam out there, and the remaining .1%... well, I'll just deal with it, I suppose.
And I was coming here to comment upon how I was totally fucking in love with your blog.
Because spammers deserve a daily beating, kinda like the slapfest in Airplane!
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