They've had to apologize to Obama three times, now, for the "whitey" slur, the "terrorist fist jab" crack and the "baby momma" insult.
Rupert, just fire everybody (or shoot them, it'd be a net gain to the planet) and close the doors.
(H/T to Balloon Juice)
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
Once is a mistake. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.
But we already knew that :-(.
- Badtux the Disgusted Penguin
Yeah, we knew that. Fox is the enemy. Not just the ally of the GOP, they are the enemy of democracy. Fox News is a network that would be at home in a one-party state, which is why there has never been any pretense towards "fair and balanced," just a wholesale regurgitation of GOP talking points.
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