Including John McCain, who takes every weekend off, he has such a "fire in the belly" to become President.
The presidency is not just a job, it is a calling. We have a lot of serious challenges facing this nation, we do not need another part-time preznit, like Still-President Bush has been.
On the other side of the coin, given what a miserable failure and a total fuck-up Dorquemada has been, he should have taken even more time off.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
Personally I've love a president that doesn't do much.
Just sit there and veto a bill every now and again. Preferably the majority of them. It's hard for me to remember the last time Congress actually passed something that I thought was good for the country.
And for the Love of God I hope we have a president lazy enough not to bother with a foreign police action.
Amen, especially to the last part!
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