I am not calling for a boycott, understand. I speak only for myself and what the readers (few, many, I don't know) of this blog do is their own decision.
But as for me, I gave money to the DNC in `04 and `06. I am not going to give the national arm of the Democratic party another nickel. Not until they start growing some spine and start taking on the Chimperor in a meaningful way. Not until they start calling the Republicans what they are-- Fascists, Royalists-- and stop cowering each and every time Chimpy waves the bloody shirt of terrorism.
When I was a kid, we had a dog who used to bark a lot. He could put up a fearsome racket. But if there was a loud noise, such a a thunderclap or my brother setting off a firecracker in the driveway, the dog would dive under the sofa and tremble in fear.
That dog was the perfect symbol of the modern Democratic party: Lots of noise, no guts whatsoever.
We ask kids to go into the Army and put their lives on the line for our country. But our politicians are unwilling to do anything that might make them have to take a stand that somebody might not like. Well, they are only matched with the star-wearing careerists in the Pentagon who would not take a stand against a war that even a plebe at West Point could have recognized as being badly planned from the get-go. Easier just to shut up, go along and let the kids do the dying.
I can't do anything about the spineless careerists populating Fort Fumble. But I can do something about the spineless Democrats, and that is I am not going to give them another nickel. I'll give to my local congresscritter, who did vote against shitting on the Constitution by giving Incompetent Alberto the ability to wiretap anyone he damn well pleases, but that is it.
Not one more nickel to the Democratic party.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
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